Artikel von IntactWiki
Version vom 9. Februar 2020, 13:28 Uhr von WikiAdmin (Diskussion | Beiträge) (readjusted spelling of Plastibell)
Im September 2019 haben wir aufgrund einer Abmachung mit dem IntactWiki alle Artikel von dort in das IntactiWiki übernommen. Die englischen Artikel sind vollständig übernommen. Bereits ins Deutsche übertragene Artikel haben einen blauen Link. Kursive Links sind nur Weiterleitungen. Alle echten Artikel vom IntactWiki erhalten zunächst die Kategorie:Von IntactWiki.
Wichtig: Vor dem Anlegen des entsprechenden deutschen Artikels bitte prüfen, ob der englische Originaltitel behalten kann oder übersetzt werden muss!
- AAP Circumcision Task Force 2012
- ABC: Profiles of two women with AIS -> Profiles of two women with AIS
- ABC News: Intersex Children: Waiting to Decide on Sex Surgery? -> Intersex Children: Waiting to Decide on Sex Surgery?
- AIC's Free to Be Festival 2011 clip
- AIDS Free World
- ARCLaw
- A surgical temptation -> A Surgical Temptation
- Aaron J. Fink
- Aaron Jesin
- Aaron Tobian
Aaron fink- not required so far- Abraham L. Wolbarst
- Accord Alliance
- AccuCirc
- Accucirc
- Acorn
- Acorn Society
- Activist Lloyd Schofield debates Fox's Megyn Kelly on San Francisco circumcision ban
- Adrienne Carmack
- Adult male circumcision with the shang ring -> Male adult circumcision with the shang ring
- Advanced Tissue Sciences
- Advocates for Informed Choice
- Aesthetic labiaplasty
- Afar tribe: female circumcision
- Africa Dolce E Selvaggia - Male Circumcision
- Aivar Bracka
- Al Jazeera American News: The difficult decision for parents of intersex children -> The difficult decision for parents of intersex children
- Albanian circumcision
- Alex Wodak
- Alfred Schram
- Algerian circumcision
- Alicia Keys
- AlloDerm
- Ambiguous genitalia
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Circumcision of Males and Females
- American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists -> ACOG
- American Female Genital Mutilation
- American Hero Fights Sex Crime
- American secret -> American Secret
- Anatomy of the Penis: Penile and Foreskin Neurology
- Andrew Freedman
- Angel Money
- Animated Anatomy of the Clitoris
- Anne Tamar-Mattis (war
Anne Tamar-Mattis: Protecting the Civil Rights of Intersex Children) - Annie Lennox
- Another American circumcised woman
- Another turkish circumcision
- Anthony Pickett
- Apligraf
- Aposthia
- Arianna
- Arleen Leibowitz
- Articles from Intactipedia
- Ashley Montagu
- Ashley Montagu on Penile Reduction Surgery
- Athol A. W. Johnson
- Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
- BORN BETWEEN - The Nature of Intersex
- Baby who was born with two genitals
- Bailey -> Robert C. Bailey
- Balanitis
- Balanitis xerotica obliterans
- Barbara Amiel
- Barbara Kay
- Basics of foreskin restoration
- Bay Area Birth Justice Forum Fall 2013. Hida Viloria educates on intersexuality -> Bay Area Birth Justice Forum Fall 2013
- Bay Area Intactivists
- Bertran Auvert
- Beyond the Bris
- Bias
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Gates
- Bill Gates Foundation -> Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -> Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Black and white -> Black and White
- Bleeding
- Blogs
- Blood loss danger to infants
- Bloodstained Men and their Friends
- Bloodstained men and their friends -> Bloodstained Men and their Friends
- Bloodstained suit
- Boldt vs Boldt
- Bono
- Bonobo3D channel
- Boris Mandrake
- Boteach and Ungar-Sargon Debate on Circumcision
- Both
- Brad Roberts discusses circumcision
- Brad Sherman
Brain Morris- not required so far- Breast Ironing of Young Girls in Cameroon
- Brian -> Brian J. Morris
- Brian Earp
- Brian J. Morris
- Brian J. Morris&oldid=6893 -> Brian J. Morris
- Brian James Morris
- Brian Morris
- BrotherK channel -> Brother K channel
- Brother K
- Brothers Arrested for Historic Protest Against Circumcision
- Bruno & Earlene go to Vegas
- Bukusu circumcision
- Burn circumstraint, burn
- C-Change
- C.D.C -> Centers for Disease Control
- C.D.C. -> Centers for Disease Control
- CAN-FAP -> Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (CAN-FAP)
- CDC -> Centers for Disease Control
- CIRCUMCISION: The Truth!! (I ♥ Foreskin) -> CIRCUMCISION: The Truth!!
- CPT-54163
- Cameron Diaz talks circumcision
- Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project -> Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (CAN-FAP)
- Cat II
- Catherine Hankins
- Catholic Medical Mission Board
- Centers for Disease Control
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -> Centers for Disease Control
- Cervical Cancer -> Cervical cancer
- Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
- Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital
- Child Circumcision: Rites or Rights?
- Children's Health and Human Rights Partnership -> Children's Health & Human Rights Partnership
- Children and Human Rights
- Christopher L. Guest
- CircLeaks:FAQ
- Circleaks
- Circlist
- Circum serum -> CIRCUMserum
- Circumcision -> Zirkumzision
- Circumcision, the hidden trauma -> Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma
- Circumcision, the painful dilemma -> Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma
- Circumcision, the whole story -> Circumcision: The Whole Story
- Circumcision: A history of the world's most controversial surgery -> Circumcision: A History of the World's Most Controversial Surgery
- Circumcision: An American health fallacy -> Circumcision: An American Health Fallacy
- Circumcision: People Are Talking - Medical Historian Ed Wallerstein
- Circumcision: The Unethical Commandment?
- Circumcision: What it does -> Circumcision: What It Does
- Circumcision & Human Rights - Morris L. Sorrells M.D.
- Circumcision - Ari Libsker
- Circumcision - Men Do Complain
- Circumcision - Penis SensitivityTest
- Circumcision - Your Legal Rights
- Circumcision Academy of Australia
- Circumcision Animation -> Circumcision animation
- Circumcision Ban - Lloyd Schofield
- Circumcision Botches -> Circumcision botches
- Circumcision Fetish -> Circumfetish
- Circumcision Foundation of Australia -> Circumcision Academy of Australia
- Circumcision Myths & Facts
- Circumcision Prevalence -> Circumcision prevalence
- Circumcision Protest - Brother K's Story
- Circumcision Resource Center
- Circumcision Study Flaws -> Circumcision study flaws
- Circumcision Uncut: Unabridged Stories Behind the Snip
- Circumcision Video with Commentary
- Circumcision and HIV
- Circumcision and Sexual Function Difficulties
- Circumcision and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) -> Circumcision and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
- Circumcision and foreskin restoration -> Circumcision and Foreskin Restoration
- Circumcision compilation -> Circumcision Compilation
- Circumcision consent forms
- Circumcision exposed: rethinking a medical and cultural tradition -> Circumcision Exposed: Rethinking a Medical and Cultural Tradition
- Circumcision of female African teen
- Circumcision protests in the 1990s
- Circumcision resources channel
- Circumcision scar removal
- Circumcision story on 60 Mins
- Circumcision suicide attempts
- Circumcision video 1 -> Circumcision animation
- Circumfetish
- Circumfetishism -> Circumfetish
- Circumfetishist -> Circumfetish
- Circumsexual -> Circumfetish
- Circumsexuals -> Circumfetish
- Circumstraint
- Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision
- Clifford Spooner
- Clitoral Unhooding video
- Clitoris and the penis - differentiation
- Clitoris and vagina - video
- Companies that sell foreskin cells
- Company Attempting To Regrow Foreskin Of Circumcised Men - Young Turks mention Foregen
- Contact
- Contributing to CircLeaks
- Contributing to IntactWiki
- Contributors
- Council of Europe Debate Genital Cutting Of Boys
- Craig Ferguson on circumcision
- Cross taping
- Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision
- Cutting Club
- DIY foreskin restoration on a budget
- DOC > Doctors Opposing Circumcision
- Dan Bollinger
- Dan Stranjord
- Dana Zzyym vs US State Department
- Daniel Halperin
- Daniel J. Krimsky
- Daniel Marshall
- Daniel T. Halperin
- David Goldberg
- David H. Cornell
- David Llewellyn
- David R. Tomlinson
- David Reimer (war
David Reimer clip) - David Wilson
- Dean Edell
- Death
- Decircumcision: foreskin restoration, methods and circumcision practices -> Decircumcision: Circumcision Practices & Foreskin Restoration Methods
- Definition of an Intersex Person - Dr. Milton Diamond with Irene Diamond
- Dennis Nebus
- Dermagraft -> Dermagraft-TC
- Dermagraft-TC
- Did first newborn circumcision today
- Dile insert
- Distal Penile hypospadias surgery - video
- Dix Poppas
- Doctor Denounces Circumcision of Children
- Doctor Mark Reiss on Circumcision Bias
- Doctors Cut Off Man’s Penis During Circumcision
- Doctors Opposing Circumcision
- Doctors Opposing Circumcision video
- Doctors reexamine circumcision -> Doctors Re-examine Circumcision
- Documented Severe Complications of Circumcision -> Documented severe complications of circumcision
- Does Cosmetic Surgery Harm Babies?
- Douglas Diekama
- Douglas Diekema
- Dr. Dean Edell on Circumcision
- Dr. Milton Diamond: The John/Joan case
- Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis
- Dr. Ronald Goldman - Why Circumcision Is Barbaric & Dangerous!
- Dual tension
- E. Harding Freeland
- E. J. Spratling
- Easy stretch -> Easy Stretcher
- Ed Wallerstein, Medical Historian - Routine Infant Circumcision News Segment
- Edgar J. Schoen
- Edgar Schoen -> Edgar J. Schoen
- Editing
- Editing/Advanced
Editing/Cite(using Editing/Citations instead)- Editing:Main Page/Editing Instructions
- Edward Wallerstein
- Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon
- Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon: Culture is Changing
- Elizabeth Noble
- Elizabeth Noble - The Joy of Being a Boy
- End the genital mutilation of intersex children
- Ending Circumcision - Hanny Lightfoot-Klein An Extraordinary Woman
- Events
- Evolution of the Foreskin -> Evolution of the foreskin
Extension:Youtube (lubito)(won't be used)
- FDA -> Food and Drug Administration
- FGM - a ritual of agony
- Facing Circumcision: Eight Physicians Tell Their Stories
- Faq -> FAQ -> CirkLeaks:FAQ
- Female Circumcision -> Female circumcision
- Female Circumcision Widely Practiced in Malaysia
- Female Genital Mutilation - Animation of what happens
- Female Genital Mutilation in Afar, Ethiopia
- Female circumcision - Malaysia
- Female circumcision and ear piercing - Indonesia
- Female circumcision in America
- Female genital mutilation - video 2
- Female genital mutilation in Africa - video
- Feminism and Genital Integrity -> Feminism and genital integrity
- Feminizing genitoplasty video
- Fetish -> Circumfetish
- Financial Incentive
- Fishbeck vs North Dakota
- Flatt vs. Kantak and Meritcare
- Food and Drug Administration
- Forced episiotomy
- Forced retraction
- Foreballs
- Foregen
- Foregen's Kickstarter:HUFO - The Missing Piece is now live!
- Foreskin
- Foreskin, a closer look -> Foreskin: A Closer Look
- Foreskin Care for Boys
- Foreskin Man
- Foreskin Restoration: Uncircumcision
- Foreskin Restoration - Ron Low
- Foreskin Restoration - Why?
- Foreskin Sensitivity -> Foreskin sensitivity
- Foreskin Tissue Harvesting -> Foreskin tissue harvesting
- Foreskin natural restorer -> Foreskin Natural Restorer
- Foreskin restoration
- Foreskin restoration - Video -> Foreskin Restoration - video
- Foreskin restoration is going mainstream - The Soup on Strange Sex
- Foreskin restoration results using a DTR
- Francelle Wax
- Francis Crick
- Frederick Hodges
- Frenulum
- Frenulum breve
- Functions of Foreskin - video
- GFFATM -> The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- Gary M. Griffin
- Gates Foundation -> Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Gender Reassignment and case of John /Joan - Dr. Milton Diamond with Irene Diamond -> Gender Reassignment and Case of John / Joan
- General Disclaimer
- Genital Autonomy - Why circumcision must be stopped
- Genital Integrity - Dr. Arif Bhimji -> Genital Integrity - Film
- Genital Integrity Awareness Week
- Genital Mutilation: America's double standards
- Genital autonomy movement -> Intactivism
- Genital cutting in Christianity
- Genital cutting in Islam
- Genital normalization surgeries
- Georganne Chapin
- Georganne Chapin (from Intact America) on The Today Show, 10 nov.2009 -> Georganne Chapin (from Intact America) on The Today Show
- Georganne Chapin - Intact America
- Georganne Chapin on White Plains Community TV, March 18 2016 -> Georganne Chapin on White Plains Community TV
- George C. Denniston
- George Denniston
- George Hill
- George Wald
- George Zangger
- Gilgal -> Gilgal Society
- Gilgal Society
- Glans -> Glans penis
- Glans Penis -> Glans penis
- Glans penis
- Glen Callender
- Gliding action
- Gomco
- Gregory Boyle
- Growing Up Intersex - Oprah Winfrey
- Guy Cox
- HP802-247
- Haiba Sonyika
- Hanny Lightfoot Klein -> Hanny Lightfoot-Klein
- Hatem Elhagaly
- Health Communication Partnership
- Helen Weiss
- Hermafrodita
- Hermaphrodite Education and Listening Post
- Hermaphrodites speak
- Hermaphrodites with Attitude
- Hida on Montel Williams
- Histogen
- Historic 20 Year Protest for Genital Autonomy Rights
- History of circumcision
- Holm Putze -> Holm Putzke
- Hope Rising
- How Does Circumcision Affect Your Penis?
- How foreskin moves -> Foreskin in Motion
- How to feel circumcised - Onision -> How to Feel Circumcised
- Howard J. Stang
- Howard Stern Discusses His Circumcision With His Parents - March 20, 2006 -> Howard Stern Discusses His Circumcision With His Parents
- Howard Stern and Russell Brand talk penis and circumcision
- Hugh Young
- Human Papillomavirus + HPV
- Hydrafacial
- Hygiene
- Hyperrestore
- Hypospadias cripple surgery
- Hypospadias repair video
- Hypospadias surgery - Snodgrass technique
- I'll never be cut - Kenyan girls
- I'm 80% Girl, 20% Boy
- IGM Type 1: Hypospadias repair
- INTACT Educational Foundation
- I love foreskin (wtf circumcision?) -> I Love Foreskin
- Ian Aaronson
- Illinois - Judge says no to circumcision
- Immunological and Protective Function of the Foreskin -> Immunological and protective function of the foreskin
- In the name of humanity -> In the Name of Humanity
- Indiana - Wrongful circumcision
- Inflation
- Informed consent
- Inon Schenker
- Insight: Clear Cut
- Insight: The First Cut
- Intact America
- Intaction
- Intactivism
- Intactivist
- Intactivist literature (chronological) -> Intactivism literature
- Intactivista - The song -> Intactivista - The Song
- International Standard Book Number
- Intersex
- Intersex - In the Middle
- Intersex 101, by Del LaGrace Volcano --> Intersex 101
- Intersex 20/20
- Intersex Event at the United Nations, 11 March 2014
- Intersex Mexico
- Intersex Protest Involuntary Genital Surgery
- Intersex awareness project -> Intersex Awareness Project
- Intersex traits
- Intersexion
- Intro to Foregen - non-profit agency to promote foreskin regeneration
- Is it difficult to wash the foreskin?
- It's a boy! -> It's A Boy!
- Jacob Sweet
- Jake -> Jake H. Waskett
- James A. Haughey
- James Badger -> Guy Cox
- James Haughey, Roland Clark, Ron Low - Foreskin Restoration Devices
- James L. Snyder
- James Loewen
- James Loewen - Through an Intactivist Lens
- Jason Page discusses circumcision
- Jay Buenafe
- Jay Thomas tries foreskin restoration on the air
- Jeffrey Dana Gillen
- Jeffrey R. Wood
- Jennifer Garza
- Jew -> Bias
- Jewish -> Bias
- Jewish American Scholar Leonard Glick - Circumcision
- Jewish Circumcision -> Jewish circumcision
- Jewish Circumcision: Cutting with Tradition
- Jewish circumcision video
- Jews Against Circumcision
- Jim Bigelow
- John A. Erickson
- John Harvey Kellogg
- John Taylor
- John V. Geisheker
- John Warren
- Johns Hopkins
- Johns Hopkins University -> Johns Hopkins
- Jonathan Friedman
- Jonathon Conte
- Jonathon Conte's shit list
- Joseph Lewis
- Judaeus Pondum
- Labiaplasty Delhi Clitoris Unhooding India
- Langerhans cells (war
Langerhans Cells) - Laparoscopic bilateral streak (war
Laparoscopic Bilateral Streak (nonfunctioning ovary) Gonadectomy having Y chromosome) - Laparoscopic gonadectomy (war
Laparoscopic gonadectomy- Androgen insensitivity syndrome) + Androgen insensitivity syndrome - Larry Floyd
- Leonard B. Glick
- LifeCell Corporation
- Lipodermos
- Lisa Braver Moss
- Lisa M. Masterson
- Literature about foreskin restoration
- Living A Lie An Intersex Woman Shares Her Story
- Lloyd Schofield
- MC vs Aaronson
- MIKE: I can only be myself
- MacLean Conference 2014 - Paul Helft - "No More Circumcision"
Main Page(will not be taken from IntactWiki)Main Page/Sandbox(will not be taken from IntactWiki)- Male Circumcision Model Trainer Simulators
- Male and female circumcision (war
Male and Female Circumcision) - Male circumcision consortium
- Male genital mutilation ritual from Desmond Morris - The Human Sexes
- Man raised as a girl after losing penis to circumcision commits suicide
- Manhood
- Mani's story
- Manual tugging
- Maria J. Wawer
- Maria Wawer -> Maria J. Wawer
- Marie Stopes -> Marie Stopes International
- Marie Stopes International
- Marilyn Milos
- Marilyn Milos on the Front Lines - AAP Convention
- Mario Lopez Condemns Circumcision - Howard Stern Show Feb 10, 2011 -> Mario Lopez Condemns Circumcision
- Marje Stopes -> Marie Stopes International
- Mark D. Reiss
- Mark Waring
- Marketing Circumcision - Lack of Ethics
- Matthew Hess
- Max Mintz
Mbox templates/doc(will not be taken from IntactWiki)- Me, my sex and I
- Meatal Stenosis -> Meatal stenosis
- Meet TLC Tugger - foreskin restoration for the circumcised
- Meet the men trying to regrow their foreskins
- Megyn Kelly and Georganne Chapin debate circumcision
- Men do complain -> Men Do Complain
- Message from Foregen's President - February 2015
- Metzitzah b'peh & first sexual experience
- Mexico Intacto
- Miami - Wrongful circumcision
- Michael Brady
- Middle Sexes - Redefining He and She
- Mike Gatto
- Mischief: Circumcise me?
Module:Citation(will not be taken from IntactWiki)Module:Citation/CS1(will not be taken from IntactWiki)Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration(will not be taken from IntactWiki)Module:citation(will not be taken from IntactWiki)Module:citation/CS1(will not be taken from IntactWiki)- Mogen
- Mom, I am circumcised
- Mom, why did you circumcise me? -> Mom, Why Did You Circumcise Me?
- Money -> Financial Incentive
- Mordechai Rosemberg
- Morocco circumcision
- Morris -> Brian J. Morris
- Morris Sorrells
- Morten Frisch
- Moses Maimonides
- Mp -> MP
- Murray Katz
- Muslim girl mutilated by Egyptian barber
- MySkinClamp -> MySkin Clamp
- MySkin clamp -> MySkin Clamp
- MySkin Clamp
- N.I.H > National Institutes of Health
- N.I.H. > National Institutes of Health
- NIH > National Institutes of Health
- National Geographic: Sex, lies and gender
National Insitute of Health(not required so far)- National Institute of Health > National Institutes of Health
- National Institutes of Health
- National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers -> NOCIRC
- National Organization of Restoring Men -> NORM
- National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males -> NOHARMM
- Nebus vs Hironimus
- Neil Pollock
- Neocutis
- New England Journal of Medicine
- New Jersey case
- Newborn circumcision - Benjamin
- Newborn circumcision Gomco clamp
- Newborn circumcision Gomco clamp and aftercare
- Newborn circumcision Mogen clamp
- Newborn circumcision Plastibell
- News
- Norró, a story of female genital mutilation
- NouriCel
- Novadien
- Nurses for the Rights of the Child
- Paraphimosis
- Patricia Robinett
- Paul Fleiss
- Paul Mason
- Paula Donovan
- Penile cancer
- Penn & Teller: Bullshit! Circumcision -> Bullshit! Circumcision
- Penoscrotal webbing repair
- People & Power - Ndiyindoda: I am a man
- Philo
- Phimosis
- Physical integrity
- Pierre Crouse
- Plastibell
- Plastic surgery of the female genital organs - video
- Population Services International
- Position statements on infant circumcision
- PrePex
- Prepex
- President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief -> PEPFAR
- Priontex
- Priontex Products & Services -> Priontex
- Privacy Policy
- Prostate Cancer -> Prostate cancer
- Psychiatrist Discusses the Lasting Trauma of Circumcision
- Psychosexual Effects of Circumcision
- PubMed Identifier
- Purse string suture
- R. W. Cockshut
- R. Wayne Griffiths
- RECAP (war
RECAP Organization) - RHSP -> Rakai Health Sciences Program
- Chaim Moshe (war
Rabbi Chaim Moshe) - Mordechai Friedman (war
Rabbi Mordechai Friedman) - Rabbi Mordechai Rosenberg Sued After Baby Injured During Circumcision
- Rakai Health Sciences Program
- Rakai Health Services Program -> Rakai Health Sciences Program
- Rakai Project -> Rakai Health Sciences Program
- Rao Gupta
- Raven
- Raymond Rezaie
- Really long foreskin
- Rebeca Plank
- Rebecca Wald
- Recap
- Reconstruction of the frenulum
- Reduction clitoroplasty video
- Reduction of paraphimosis
- Reference index
- Religion and Culture -> Religion and culture
- Remain Intact Organization
- Renowned Psychologist Condemns Child Circumcision
- Restored foreskin demonstration
- Retainers
- Retraction of the Foreskin -> Retraction of the foreskin
- Reverse taping
- Reversing Female Circumcision: The Cut That Heals
- Richard De Seabra
- Richard Duncker
- Richard Fitzpatrick
- Richard de Seabra
- Risks and complications
- Robert C. Bailey
- Robert Darby
- Robert S. Van Howe
- Roland Clark
- Ron Gray
- Ron Low
- Ronald Goldman
- Ronald Goldman Testifies On Circumcision Trauma At Historic PACE Hearing
- Ronald Gray
- Ronald H. Gray
- Rosemary Romberg
- Roughly Cut - Film -> Roughly Cut
- Routine circumcision: the tragic myth -> Routine Circumcision: The Tragic Myth
- Royal Dutch Medical Association
- SIC Society -> Stop Infant Circumcision Society
- Schoen -> Edgar J. Schoen
- Schusterman Family Foundation -> Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
- Schusterman Foundation -> Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
- Scientist Denounces Flawed Studies Used by CDC to Promote Circumcision
- Second skin -> Second Skin
- SenSlip
- Seth Kalichman
- Sex Education: the missing chapter
- Sex as nature intended it -> Sex As Nature Intended It
- Sexual Effects of Circumcision -> [[Sexual effects of circumcision]]
- Shang Ring
- Shusterman Foundation -> Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
- SkinMedica
- Skin Factory
- Skinmedica -> SkinMedica
- Smegma
- Snip-snip -> Snip-Snip
- So you support male infant circumcision? -> So You Support Male Infant Circumcision?
- Soka Uncobe
- Somali Female Genital Mutilation
- Soraya Mire (war
Soraya Mire - FGM Activist) - Soraya Mire on male and female genital mutilation
- Stephen H. Lewis
- Stephen Lewis
- Stephen Moses
- Steven Lewis
- Steven Svoboda
- Stop Infant Circumcision Society
- Stop Intersex Genital Mutilation
- Supercanister
- Supot - film
- Surgical Abuse of Intersex Child
- Surgical circumcision Thailand
- Surgical foreskin restoration
- Survey Reveals Harm from Male Circumcision: Canadian Paediatric Society Alerted
- Susan Blank
- TED Talks: Alice Dreger: Is anatomy destiny?
- TLC Tugger -> TLC-X
- TLC Tugger - 2005 Interview about Foreskin Restoration
- TNS Recovery Complex
- T Tape
- Tape ring
- Taping
Temp Main Page(not required)- Terry Russell
Test page(not required)- TheDoctorsTV on Circumcision - a critique
- The Centers for Disease Control -> Centers for Disease Control
- The Crawfords Speak About Groundbreaking Intersex Case
- The Cut - Documentary - Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (FGM/C) In Kenya (2009)
- The Female Reproductive System
- The Foreskin: 15 Square Inches of Erogenous Tissue
- The Gender Puzzle
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- The Good Mommy's Guide to her Little Boy's Penis
- The Great Wall of Vagina Exhibition
- The History of Circumcision in the Western World by Frederick Hodges, Ph.D -> The History of Circumcision in the Western World
- The Intact Network
- The Interface Project
- The Labiaplasty Fad
The National Insitute of HealthThe National Insitutes of Health- The National Institute of Health -> National Institutes of Health
- The National Institutes of Health -> National Institutes of Health
- The Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying "No" to Circumcision
- The Penis - Sex Education 101
- The Perfect Vagina - Real Stories
- The Psychology of Circumcision Communication & Social Change
- The Question of Gender Identity. Nature vs Nurture - Dr. Milton Diamond with Irene Diamond -> The Question of Gender Identity. Nature vs Nurture
- The Real Reason You're Circumcised - Adam Ruins Everything
- The Right To Bodily Integrity - J. Steven Svoboda
- The Social Misconstruction of Male Anatomy - Joe Rogan -> The Social Misconstruction of Male Anatomy
- The Unkindest Cut - Documentary -> The Unkindest Cut
- The Whole Network
- The benefits of foreskin - Carlin Ross -> The Benefits of Foreskin
- The boy who was turned into a girl -> The Boy Who Was Turned Into a Girl
- The case against circumcision -> The Case Against Circumcision
- The circumpendium -> Circumpendium
- The cost of circumcision
- The joy of being a boy -> The Joy of Being a Boy
- The joy of uncircumcising -> The Joy of Uncircumcising
- The measure of his grief -> The Measure of His Grief
- The natural foreskin - retraction and frenulum
- The perfect vagina -> The Perfect Vagina
- The rape of innocence -> The Rape of Innocence - Film
- The rape of innocence (book) -> The Rape of Innocence
- The sorcerer's apprentice -> The Sorcerer's Apprentice
- The story of David Reimer -> David Reimer
- They Cut Babies, Don't They?
- Thomas E. Wiswell
- Thomas R. Frieden
- Tim Hammond
- Todd Bertrang
- Traditional Male Circumcision in Nigeria
- Traditional filipino circumcision
- Tug ahoy -> Tug Ahoy
- Tugger
- Tuggers -> Tugger
- Turbin vs Abbassi
- Turkish boy laments his circumcision
- Turkish circumcision
- Tzameret Fuerst
W.H.O- not required so farW.H.O.- not required so far- WEST AND PROUD 'Tony Briffa, vice president of Organisation Intersex International Australia'
- WHO: Sexual health, human rights and the law
- Waskett
- Weights
- What It's Like To Be Intersex
- What is an intactivist?
- What would you do? Muslim female genital mutilation
- What your doctor may not tell you about circumcision
- Whose bodies, whose rights?
- Why Dr Milton Diamond Studies Intersex Groups - Dr. Milton Diamond with Irene Diamond
- William Stowell
- Wiswell
- Women With Male DNA -> Women with male DNA
- World Health Organization
- Talk:Bias
Talk:Barbara Kay(Talk page exists no longer)- Talk:Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Talk:Brian J. Morris
- Talk:Circlist
- Talk:Daniel T. Halperin
- Talk:Edgar J. Schoen
- Talk:Financial Incentive
Talk:Gilgal Society(Talk page exists no longer)- Talk:Jake H. Waskett
- Talk:Johns Hopkins
- Talk:Lisa M. Masterson
- Talk:Maria Wawer -> Talk:Maria J. Waver
Talk:Marie Stopes International(Talk page exists no longer)- Talk:Neil Pollock
- Talk:Oprah Winfrey
- Talk:Stephen H. Lewis
Talk:Stephen Moses(Talk page exists no longer)- Talk:Terry Russell
- Talk:Thomas E. Wiswell
- Talk:Thomas R. Frieden
- Talk:USAID