The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
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In December 2010, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria granted $33 million for medical male circumcision programs in South Africa.[1]
” | Health Minister Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi (South Africa) Of the previous grants we have received from the Global Fund, this is the highest amount. It covers, for the first time treatment and also includes health systems strengthening and scaling up of medical male circumcisions. (The Government of South Africa)[2] |
- ↑
(20. Dezember 2010).
More funds for SA to fight Aids
, BuaNews. Abgerufen 21. Mai 2011.
Zitat:$33 million for medical male circumcision
- ↑ The Government Communication and Information System. (2010, December 20). More funds for SA to fight Aids.