Vernon G. Quaintance
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Notice: Recently, Vernon Quaintance was arrested on charges of child pornography. The page you are viewing is likely (at least partially) responsible for the tip-off that lead to this arrest (although this is currently unconfirmed, it's almost certain). See the section labeled Arrested for Child Pornography for more information. If you work in a field of law, please note that incriminating evidence on this article is vastly more inclusive and incriminating since Quaintance's arrest, and is currently being added to on an almost daily basis as new information comes in. You will find many connections to Quaintance here that warrant further investigation. Please support IntactiWiki by promoting the site to help further the cause. |
![]() |
Convicted of: |
Possession of child pornography |
Owner Of: |
Gilgal Society |
Member Of: |
Circlist Acorn Society |
Benefactors: |
Jake H. Waskett Brian J. Morris Bertran Auvert Robert C. Bailey Daniel Halperin Thomas E. Wiswell Edgar J. Schoen |
Vernon Geoffrey Quaintance[1] is a 69-year-old pedophile[2][3][4] and photographer[5] who recently ran a children's computer club.[3] It is alleged that he molested altar boys in his church,[4] who were from Henley Gardens, Upper Norwood, England.[3] He was employed as a sacristan and server for the Order of Malta's Mass (Roman Catholicism).[2] Quaintance is a Circlist moderator (a private group that shares child circumcision pornography),[6] head of the Gilgal Society (another private group that shares circumcision pornography),[7] a member of the Acorn Society,[8] owner of,[9],[10] and a writer of erotic circumcision porn (including graphic descriptions of circumcising young boys while others masturbate).[11] On April 11th 2011, Quaintance was arrested after having been caught with a hoard of child porn.[3] Quaintance is friends with Jake Waskett (top ranking Wikipedia circumcision editor, and a member of the circumfetish group Circlist),[12] and has worked closely with circumcision proponent Brian J. Morris.[13][14] Quaintance is also connected to many pro-circumcision doctors, and even a great deal of the prominent "circumcision to prevent HIV" researchers that are published in academic journals.[13][14] Quaintance is a retired telephone engineer.[3]
There are those on the Internet who discuss the erotic stimulation they experience by watching other males being circumcised, swap fiction about it, and trade in videotapes of actual circumcisions.[15] Quaintance is one of these individuals.[16][17] Some call them Circumfetishists.[18]
Gilgal Society
The Gilgal Society (headed by Quaintance) is a UK-based not-for-profit organization administered by Quaintance.[19] Gilgal is Hebrew for "hill of foreskins."[20]
Groups such as the Gilgal Society, the Acorn Society, and the Cutting Club openly admit to a morbid fascination with circumcision to the point of sado-masochistic fetish. These groups advertise that doctors are among their members.[21]
Some Members and Associates of Gilgal Include Bertran Auvert, Robert C. Bailey, Stefan Bailis, Xavier Castellsagué, Mike Cormier, Guy Cox, Ilene Gelbaum, Daniel Halperin, Dawn Harvey, Sam Kunin, Brian J. Morris, Edgar J. Schoen, Roger Short, Howard J. Stang, Jake H. Waskett, Helen Weiss, Robin Willcourt, and Thomas E. Wiswell.[22] A quick search for these names in PubMed reveals that many of these are the most common researchers and editors of the latest circumcision to prevent HIV research, which is being funded the American government, and the World Bank.
Gilgal Porn
” | Published by The Gilgal Society He had not reached puberty but soon would: a few hairs were starting to grow at the base of his penis. Neil was then asked to lie on the couch for the penis to be photographed. ...the doctor tested the fit of two sizes of Gomco Clamp bell. During this procedure Neil erected, but was not embarrassed by it and made no attempt to hide it. Mark came in next and again dropped his trousers readily. He had reached puberty and was quite well developed. ... Its like an elephants trunk was the doctors comment, to which Mark heartily agreed. ... Photographs of his penis were taken... He had realised after sex education lessons at school that he had a problem. ...the boys were given plenty of wine to relax them. ...the discussion was about the sex lives of the boys and their school friends. The doctor asked how often the boys wanked. ... The doctor showed the boys his microscope and asked if they had ever seen sperm under one. ... He suggested to Mark that if he wanted to, he could have a quiet wank whilst Neil was being circumcised... This was eagerly accepted. ... He lay back with his eyes closed and just let the doctor get on. He returned to the surgery and put on his underpants (tight jockey briefs). His penis was guided up against his abdomen... Photographs had been taken... We all returned to the lounge where Mark was watching TV, having had his quiet wank. ...the doctor put some of Marks semen on a slide and put it under the microscope on high power. Each of us looked at the live sperm swimming vigorously around in the semen. ...there is hope that the circumcision will give him the confidence to overcome his enuresis [bed wetting]. The boys also looked at the book and noted a number of horrors which they would be spared now that they were circumcised. On this occasion there were three boys to be circumcised, two of them brothers aged 8 and 10. The doctor had planned to take the younger one first... ...did not need circumcision, but it was being done for uniformity with his brother He went down fighting and, because he had just been screaming, appeared to stop breathing. This worried his father, but the doctor said it was quite normal... Ians foreskin was long... needed to come off. After lunch we had a five-year-old to do. ... Robert has shown his off to his school-friends. I hope some of them ask their parents if they can have their penis circumcised too. -- Acknowledgements to VQ [Vernon Quaintance] ([23][24])[25] |

Gilgal offers a circumcision VHS tape that you can order from their website. It is "unlabelled to allow your own discretion on labeling".[26] Quaintance has additionally been caught by local officials with at least 3 VHS tapes that include 7-9 hours of child pornography.[3]
Gilgal Society rebranded
As of July 14th of 2014, the Gilgal Society's website has gone blank. However, upon verifying the Circumcision Information Resource Centre (another website by Vernon Quaintance which was "sponsored by the Gilgal Society"), we found that it is now sponsored by "The Circumcision Helpdesk."
The Circumcision Helpdesk website is also owned by Vernon Quaintance since 2003, and now contains the information previously presented by the Gilgal Society.
Arrests for Child Pornography and Sexual Offences Against Children
2012 Arrest
Police raided Quaintance's home in Henley Gardens, Upper Norwood, after receiving a tip-off.[3] The wiki page you are currently reading on IntactiWiki may have lead to his arrest.
Quaintance was caught with a hoard of child porn, located in a box in his office. They found three video cassettes with nine-hours worth of clips showing boys as young as 11 engaging in sex acts. The videos seized included graphic footage of child abuse ranked at the second-highest level of severity. The children in these tapes were estimated to be between the ages of 11 and 17 years. Quaintance claims to have been celibate for his entire life. Quaintance admitted three counts of possession of indecent photographs of a child.[3]
Judge's response
Judge Nicholas-Loraine Smith told him: "You said you had watched the videos but claimed to have got no sexual enjoyment. I'm afraid I very much doubt that since you retained them." But he said Quaintance's willingness to address his problems meant he could suspend his prison sentence.[3]
Response from neighbors
Residents in Henley Gardens, where Quaintance is known as the respected head of the local community association, were shocked to hear of his conviction. One neighbour, who did not want to be named, said: "I know he is a very religious man and is committed to the church."[3]
Quaintance was recently given a 40-week suspended sentence for possessing child pornography.[2]
The following image is from Court News UK, on April 17th 2012.[28]
2013 arrest
According to a news report in The Tablet, an international Catholic Weekly, "Vernon Quaintance, of Upper Norwood, south-east London, has been charged with one count of indecent assault against a 10-year-old boy in 1966, the same offence against an 11-year-old in 1976, and a single count of sexual assault against a boy aged 11. He is further accused of three counts of inciting a boy aged under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency. Charges against him also include the possession of1,285 indecent images of children."[29]
2014 trial
On July 16th, 2014, Quaintance pleaded guilty to nine sex offences including those against boys as young as 11 he had met in the 1960s and 70s, as follows: five counts of indecency with a child between 1966 and 1976 and four counts of possession of indecent images. An additional count of sexual assault alleged to have taken place in 2011 on a child was left to lie on file.
Judge Anthony Leonard QC adjourned sentencing until September. Quaintance was released on conditional bail, with the requirement to have no unsupervised contact with anyone under 18.[30]
2014 sentence
On October 3rd, 2014, Vernon Quaintance was sentenced to two years and four months in prision for targeting young boys and asking them to expose themselves under the pretense of inspecting whether or not they were circumcised. Judge Anthony Leonard QC said Quaintance used his interest in the surgical procedure to look at young boys. The judge took into consideration that this offending did not carried over into Quaintance's later years, and his less than perfect health, to offer some allowance.[31]
Ran a Children's Group
Quaintance is a former chairman of Croydon Computer Club, who also started a free computer group for children.[3]
A Child Molester By Age 33
In an online book written by Mike Harper, the author remembers back at 11 years old of a much older Vernon Quaintance (in 1977-1979) pulling young Harper's foreskin back to imitate a circumcised penis while parked in a car. He also remembers Quaintance telling a circumcision joke, and an attempt to show young Harper Quaintance's penis.[32]
” | Chapter 7: Let me take you by the hand. (Part 1) Towards Norbury Central […] my nemesis, Vernon Quaintance […] ran the computer demonstrations there and never went back. – Harper, M.[33] |
” | Chapter 12: In the presence of the Lord. Altar Boy We usually served on the altar with the same group of boys, some of whom normally served at other services but would occasionally join us. […] Vernon Quaintance (brother of Veronica who had driven Gill and me part of the way to the school coach stop many years before) […] Generally the older boys/men would be awarded these privileges [Ringing the communion bell and other activities]. Once one had been an altar boy for a considerable while, one would be inducted into the guild of altar servers, the Archconfraternity of St Stephen […] My altarboyship has one particularly grim memory, one that left an extremely unpleasant (though fortunately not literally) taste in the mouth. No one except Vernon Quaintance and me know the full facts (until now!) though some may have an inkling of what might have happened based on a later similar occurrence. As an altar server, Vernon, who was much older than most of us, maybe in his late twenties or early thirties, and only beaten by Mr Cowie in terms of age, possessed a most solemn and holy air on the altar and strongly disapproved of any of us younger boys messing about. This air of solemnity was enhanced by a long face and aquiline nose, though on opening his mouth, one could see tranches of rotten teeth. One Saturday morning when I was perhaps eleven years old, Vernon called at our house enquiring if I would like to go out for a drive that afternoon. Clearly held in respect by my parents, they could see nothing wrong with me going for a drive with Vernon and neither could I. And so, that afternoon, perhaps around 3pm, Vernon picked me up in his purple Austin Allegro and drove in the general direction of Box Hill in Surrey. After some time during which amongst other things, he commented on the metal ‘Scorpio’ ring (signifying my astrological persuasion – not that it meant anything to me, I just thought that it looked ‘cool’) that I frequently wore, the conversation turned slightly seedier. Having pulled over into a secluded car park somewhere in the woods near Box Hill, he told me a joke about two soldiers square- bashing (i.e. drill on a barracks square). I don’t recall the exact nature of the joke but the punch line involved some confusion between castration and circumcision. He then asked me if I knew what a circumcision was, to which I replied ‘No’. He then explained what it was. It sounds dumb to say it but somehow, he made it seem ok for me to show him my willy, and seemed interested in determining how far I could pull my foreskin back, even gently trying to do so himself. Being only a young boy, I could hardly do so, but he said that if I kept trying, I would soon be able to. He then asked if I wanted to see an example of a circumcision, which I understood to mean that he wanted to show me his willy. Having already realized that this was not appearing to be as innocent a car ride as it had at first seemed, but until that point not being able to see an easy way out, I blurted out that I had told my Mum that I would be going to confession that day and so, had to get back. Fortunately, perhaps due to the mention of church, he didn’t pursue the issue and drove me back to St Barts where confession was still in progress late on that Saturday afternoon. I didn’t tell anyone what had happened, but I felt horrified, sickened and used and if I have made you uncomfortable, dear reader, I hope you may have a notion of how I felt about this for quite a while. Having realized what a creep Vernon was, when he popped round some weeks later and asked whether I wanted to go out for another drive, I quickly declined with the excuse that I was going into Croydon that afternoon. A few weeks later still, he tried again, and hawking the same excuse, I think he finally got the message and never bothered me again. Some thoughts and questions arise from this whole sordid issue:
A few years later, I understand that Vernon was shopped to the police by the parents of Anthony Vassallo, a younger altar boy. I guess that this information became generally public. Following this, Vernon no longer served on the altar but could be seen sitting near the front of the pews as unsmilingly solemn and devout as ever. That must have been an interesting interview, when he would have had to relinquish his status, perhaps having to admit that he was a perv. I guess that Mum and Dad and probably some/most/all of my siblings became aware of his fall from grace too and the reasons for it, but none of them ever raised the subject with me. If they did know, they must have been scared of what they might hear or else perhaps they felt that I was dealing with it in my own way, which I eventually did. If my parents did know, or suspect, then they let me down. They should have raised it with me to make sure I was okay. Who wouldn’t want to protect their child from something like this? While I didn’t let it get to me too much, I felt sick at the time for being taken advantage of. As the years passed, it affected me less and less as time went on until by the time I reached my late teens, I had put it down to experience. It certainly contributed to my withdrawal from the church, that there could be such unchristianness in a person who was perceived by all of us to be one of the most devout. There are lots of things that can mess children up and this sequence of events haunted me for a long time, during which I didn’t feel I could tell anybody. Nowadays, it seems all too regular that paedophiles are being outed by their victims, but I bet that there are many, many, many cases that never come to light. I hate to imagine that this could happen to my own children and that they would not feel able to tell me. As a coda to this episode, it should be noted that some years after, Vernon could be found in the local library teaching rudimentary computing to…wait for it…children! I guess that this would have been before the ‘Sex Offenders Register’ was inaugurated, but I do wonder how many of this new source of young flesh he managed to work his way through before he was again caught, if he ever was. I would like to think that if I saw him again, performing any similar role, that I could shop him to the authorities (probably anonymously so that I wouldn’t have to potentially face him in court) and ruin his career and his life as he could have ruined mine. I don’t know if he is still following his sordid urges, but if he is, I hope the young children that he is grooming have the good sense to stick razor blades up their bottoms. Frankly in my opinion, any grown man found guilty of messing about with young children should have their tackle whipped off. Very plain and simple. Removing a dog’s gonads curbs its sexual urges, but dogs don’t menace young children (at least not sexually), so a stronger punishment/deterrent is required for us intelligent beings. Quite simply, grown men who should be able to exercise some restraint should lose both their dick and balls. Painfully? Maybe, if they have been particularly evil, but at least remove their desire to prey on youngsters. […][34] |
” | Chapter 15: have you seen the writing on the wall? (Part 3) Fourth Year – 4.3 (Sep 1979 – Jul 1980) […] Sometime towards the latter part of the school year, a second strange incident with paedophilic overtones occurred. As with the Vernon Quaintance incident, this has never been mentioned to anyone else. UNTIL NOW!!! […] As with Vernon Quaintance five years earlier, the way the suggestion was couched made it appear an acceptable thing to do at the time. […] Given how the law has tightened around paedophiles or ‘kiddy- fiddlers’ as they are colloquially known, men such as Vernon Quaintance and Chris Wilshire who put themselves in such risky positions must be running scared that one day they may be caught and damned for eternity. But knowing the risks […] many paedos commit offences again and again. Is it the element of risk that provides that extra frisson of excitement over which they can furiously masturbate after the event? The final questions with Chris Wilshire are, as with Vernon, how many other boys did he try this risky trick on and how many other adults are there in authority that use their position in this way, but never get caught? […] I can’t imagine that I was the only boy that this happened to, and in a school of 192 boys in each year – perhaps 1000 boys in total, he would have been able to cherry- pick those amongst us who he thought would not blab. […] I don’t hold Chris Wilshire in the same contempt as I held Vernon […]– Harper, M.[35] |
Work in the Church
Quaintance was employed as a sacristan and server for the Order of Malta's Mass (Roman Catholicism).[2] Quaintance has been involved in children's church activities since—at least—the 1970's (when Quaintance was in his 30's).[37]
Church scandal
In April of 2012—after learning of Quaintance's pedophilic nature—there was a mass walkout of the Order’s governing council, which has its headquarters in St John’s Wood, North London, from where it directs its charitable undertakings. Nine members, including Lord Guthrie, the former Chief of the Defence Staff, who is the vice-president, have resigned.[2]
Three members of the Order of Malta, known as knights, have been banned from entering the church of St John and Elizabeth in North London. Many resigned because they are unhappy to find that Vernon Quaintance is a pedophile; these include retail heir Mark Brenninkmeijer, City fund manager Stephen Macklow-Smith, upmarket chocolate retailer Nick Crean, society party organiser Peregrine Armstrong-Jones’ wife Caroline, publishing heir Adam Macmillan’s ex-wife, Sarah, the Duke of Norfolk’s cousin, Richard Fitzalan-Howard, financier Count Nicolas Reuttner and the organisation’s former hospitaller Tim Orchard. One knight said "What we objected to was that the three members of the Order’s senior body, the Grand Priory, who should have known about this man’s background, did nothing."[2]
As a result, the Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, the head of the Catholic Church in England, is considering banning the Order from using the church altogether.[2]
Photography work

Some of Quaintance's photography can be viewed here, from his own website.[38]
Jake H. Waskett — the number one Wikipedia editor on all articles related to circumcision[39] — wrote a thank you letter to Quaintance in 2003 after obtaining his fantasy of becoming circumcised.[40] Waskett has said he is good friends with Quaintance.
” | FROM: Jake H. Waskett TO: Vernon Quaintance SUBJECT: Circed At Last! Hi Vernon Thank you! Yes, I recall our correspondence. I find it difficult to believe that I would regret something that I've regretted *not* having done since age 5! I'm pleased to report that it's now day 9. I've taken all but one of the stitches out. The bruising has gone, and the skin has bonded well on the top and right sides. Dr. Zarifa warned me that the skin would open a little due to the tightness, and sure enough on the left and underside it has. He assured me that this would fill in and become a neat line, so I am trusting the mysterious processes of the human body to do this. I'm getting a couple of drops of blood from the frenulum area from nighttime erections. The swelling is slowly going down, though it has by no means gone. Regards, Jake– Jake H. Waskett[41] |
” | FROM: Vernon Quaintance <> SUBJECT: Circumcision as an aid to speed swimming My nephew is 16 and a very good swimmer, representing his school and district in competitions. He keeps himself shaved for competitions to reduce the drag and now his coach has recommended that he get circumcised to further improve his performance. Jake is not averse to the idea of circumcision, but wonders how common this is as a speed aid. Does anyone have experience of swimming coaches advising circumcision? Anyone had it done to improve their own swimming? Does it work? Thanks. Date: 20 Nov 1995 1:00am ( (13 Nov 1995 18:32:08 GMT)) |
” | FROM: Vernon Quaintance <> TO: Tina Johnson Tina Johnson commented that her 7 month old son had been circumcised at birth but still had a lot of foreskin left [...] Irrespective of whether the arguments in favour of circumcision are really valid or not they _could_ only be valid in the case of a complete circumcision where the whole glans and coronal rim are permanently exposed. [...] if you leave it till later then it will be even more painful and embarrassing for the boy. [...] I know of several men who have chosen as adults to have a re-circumcision [...] the partial circumcision your son received will not do the job properly and you should seriously consider having it re-done properly.[42] |
” | Vernon Quaintance Writes Poetry Decision Some people claim that foreskins are fun |
” | Like the appendix, the foreskin is a remnant from our evolutionary past and now serves no essential purpose. Unlike the appendix, which is buried deep inside the abdomen, the foreskin is easily and safely removed as a preventative measure.[44] |
” | An additional hazard of having a redundant foreskin is the ease with which it can get caught in a zipper. Many women complain of a lack of stimulation because a long or tight foreskin can stick to the walls of the vagina...[45] |
Siehe auch

- Discussion Page -- See the talk page for more information about Quaintance that isn't yet added to this article.
- Circumfetish -- A description of the illness Quaintance suffers from.
- Brian J. Morris -- A circumcision promoter that works with Quaintance to obtain circumcision propaganda pamphlets.
- Jake H. Waskett -- A friend of Quaintance who is the #1 Wikipedia editor on all circumcision articles.
- Gilgal Society -- Quaintance's secret club.
- Circlist -- Quaintance is a moderator of this private circumfetish group that fantasizes about children.
- Cutting Club -- Quaintance is a member of this circumcision fetish group.
- Acorn Society -- Quaintance is a member of this circumcision fetish group.
- Daniel T. Halperin -- A "Circumcision to prevent HIV" researcher that personally approved of Quaintance's materials.
- Edgar J. Schoen -- A pro-circumcision doctor that personally approved of Quaintance's materials.
- Stephen Moses -- A "Circumcision to prevent HIV" researcher that personally approved of Quaintance's materials.
- Bertran Auvert -- A "Circumcision to prevent HIV" researcher that personally approved of Quaintance's materials.
- Robert C. Bailey -- A "Circumcision to prevent HIV" researcher that personally approved of Quaintance's materials.
- Thomas E. Wiswell -- A "Circumcision to prevent UTI's" researcher that personally approved of Quaintance's materials.
- CIRCUMGATE -- UK Circumfetish Czar Finally Caught Red-Handed
- GILGAL SOCIETY: Circumcision advocate, Vernon Quaintance, convicted of sex crime -- Circumcision and HIV Weblog
- Photography by Vernon -- A collection of Quaintance Photography.
- Q Audio-Visual -- A self run business by Quaintance.
- Quaintance Family Gathering -- Relatives [47]
- Two videos that mention Vernon Quaintance, here and here.
Note: If a link is broken, you will find a PDF archive link directly behind it (under the same reference number).
- ↑
(16. April 2012)."InCourts Daily", InCourtsDaily. Abgerufen 21. April 2012. Archive (2012-04-21)
- ↑ a b c d e f g
Kay, Richard (25. April 2012)."Sex scandal rocks Order of the Knights", GlamEntertainment: MailOnline. Abgerufen 26. April 2012. Archive (2012-04-27)
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k
(21. April 2012)."Croydon circumcision campaigner caught with child porn videos", Croydon Advertiser. Abgerufen 22. April 2012. Archive 2012-04-21
- ↑ a b
Harper: Little Mikey H. Authonomy. Abgerufen 23. April 2012. Archive (2012-04-21)
- ↑
Quaintance, Vernon (2005).
Photo Information
. Abgerufen 13. März 2011. Archive - ↑ Circlist -- See article for further evidence and citations
- ↑ Gilgal Society -- See article for further evidence and citations
- ↑
Quaintance, Vernon (1. September 2001).
One Man's Account of His Adult Circumcision
, Acorn Society Magazine, Gilgal Society. Abgerufen 27. April 2011. Archive (2011-05-20) - ↑ a b
(4. Oktober 2000).
Whois Record For
, DomainTools. Abgerufen 13. März 2011. - ↑ Archive (2011-05-20)
(4. Oktober 2000).
Whois Record For
, DomainTools. Abgerufen 13. März 2011. Archive (2011-05-20) - ↑
- ↑ Yahoo Circlist. Message #26333, 2003 July 30th
- ↑ a b
Morris BJ (2007): Sex and circumcision: What every woman needs to know. Vernon Quaintance (Hrsg.). London, England: Gilgal Society. Archive: Datei:Gilgal For Women leaflet.pdf
- ↑ a b
Morris BJ, Quaintance, Vernon (2007): Circumcision: A guide for parents. Vernon Quaintance (Hrsg.). London, England: Gilgal Society. Abgerufen 6. März 2011. Archive: Datei:Gilgal Parents-Guide.pdf
- ↑ Christopher P Price. Male Non-therapeutic circumcision: The Legal and Ethical Issues. In Male and Female Circumcision, Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice (Denniston GC, Hodges FM and Milos MF eds.) New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999: 425-454.
- ↑
Quaintance, Vernon (1996).
One Man's Account of His Adult Circumcision
, Gilgal Society. Abgerufen 22. Mai 2011. - ↑
Thomas A (2005):
Case histories and experiences of circumcision
, in: Circumcision: An Ethomedical Study. Vernon Quaintance (Hrsg.). Bd. 4. S. 191. London, England: The Gilgal Society. - ↑ Christopher P Price. Male Non-therapeutic circumcision: The Legal and Ethical Issues. In Male and Female Circumcision, Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice (Denniston GC, Hodges FM and Milos MF eds.) New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999: 425-454.
- ↑
WHOIS information for
, Abgerufen 27. April 2011. - ↑
, Wikipedia. Abgerufen 27. April 2011. - ↑ Christopher P Price. Male Non-therapeutic circumcision: The Legal and Ethical Issues. In Male and Female Circumcision, Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice (Denniston GC, Hodges FM and Milos MF eds.) New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999: 425-454.
- ↑
Morris BJ (2007): Sex and circumcision: What every woman needs to know. Vernon Quaintance (Hrsg.). London, England: Gilgal Society.
- ↑
Thomas A (2005):
Case histories and experiences of circumcision
, in: Circumcision: An Ethomedical Study. Vernon Quaintance (Hrsg.). Ausgabe: 4. S. 191. London, England: The Gilgal Society. - ↑
Shaw, Tony.
Circumcision, an ethnomedical study: A review by Tony Shaw
, Gilgal Society. Abgerufen 28. Februar 2011. - ↑ Case histories and experiences of circumcision. Circumcision: An Ethomedical Study (p.191). Gilgal Society.
- ↑ a b
Quaintance, Vernon.
Adult Circumcision Video
, Gilgal Society. Abgerufen 11. März 2011. Archive: Datei:Gilgal Video.pdf - ↑
(21. April 2012)."Croydon circumcision campaigner caught with child porn videos", Croydon Advertiser. Abgerufen 21. April 2012. Archive (2012-04-21)
- ↑
(17. April 2012)."Online Archive", Court News UK. Abgerufen 22. April 2012.
- ↑
"Knights' former sacristan charged with abuse", The Tablet: An International Catholic Weekly. Abgerufen 12. Oktober 2013.
- ↑
"Former Knights of Malta member pleads guilty to abuse of young boys", The Tablet: An International Catholic Weekly. Abgerufen 17. Juli 2014.
- ↑
"Upper Norwood circumcision fetishist jailed for asking schoolboys to show him their private parts", Croydon Advertiser. Abgerufen 7. Oktober 2014.
- ↑
Harper M (2010-04-22):
, in: Little Mikey H – A Norbury Lab. England: Authonomy. Archive (2012-04-21) - ↑ Harper, M. (2010). Little Mikey H - A Norbury Lab. Towards Norbury Central. Archive
- ↑ Harper, M. (2010). Little Mikey H - A Norbury Lab. Altar Boy. Archive
- ↑ Harper, M. (2010). Little Mikey H - A Norbury Lab. Fourth Year. Archive 3
- ↑ a b
Quaintance, Vernon (7. April 2007).
Q Audio-Visual Computer Consultancy - The Proprietor
, Q Audio-Visual. Abgerufen 13. März 2011. Archive (2011-05-20) - ↑
Harper M (2010-04-22):
, in: Little Mikey H – A Norbury Lab. England: Authonomy. Abgerufen 21. April 2012. Archive (2012-04-21) - ↑
Photography by Vernon Quaintance
. Abgerufen 26. April 2012. - ↑
User contributions
, Wikipedia. - ↑
Waskett, Jake H.; Quaintance, Vernon (30. Juli 2003).
Circed at last
, Circlist. - ↑ Yahoo Circlist. Message #26333, 2003 July 30th More Here
- ↑ (Jul 1 1995, 3:00 am)
- ↑ Quaintance. Quoted by Brian Morris. (2007, October). An old protector mandated: Circumcision HPV Today pp 12-13
- ↑ Quaintance, V. (2000). Questions girls ask about male circumcision. Archive
- ↑ Quaintance, V. (2000). Questions girls ask about male circumcision. Archive
- ↑
Whois Record For
, Domain Tools. Abgerufen 9. März 2011. - ↑
Quaintance, Vernon (3. Oktober 1998).
The Quaintance Family Gathering
. Abgerufen 13. März 2011. Archive (2011-05-19)