Dean Edell

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Dean Edell speaking in 2015
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Dean Edell, M.D.[a 1], (* 26. März 1941), is an American physician and broadcaster who hosted the Dr. Dean Edell radio program, a syndicated radio talk show which aired live from 1979 until December 10, 2010. He was also nationally syndicated in television as a medical news reporter and host of his own television shows including NBC's Dr. Dean.[1]

Edell has a clear positition against Ritual Infant Circumcision. He was chosen "Intactivist of the Month" by Intact America.


CIRCUMCISION: Know the Facts BEFORE you do it on your child (1 of 2)



  1. REFweb Doctor of Medicine, Wikipedia (englisch). Abgerufen 14. Juni 2021.


  1. REFweb Wikipedia-Artikel: Dean Edell. Abgerufen 17. Mai 2022.