Lisa M. Masterson

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Lisa M. Masterson

Lisa M. Masterson appears in the show The Doctors,[1] where she regularly advocates and promotes circumcision.[2] She sites common rationale for infant circumcision which include hygiene and STD prevention.[2] She appeared on the "The Late Late" show with Craig Ferguson, advocating circumcision, where her arguments are felled by the host.[3]

Late Late Show interview

A dissection of bad arguments for circumcision

Here, Masterson (and others) attempt to legitimize circumcision, and fail horribly at finding good logical rational.


  1. REFweb About Me: sa M. Masterson, M.D, The Doctors, Stage 29. Abgerufen 24. April 2011.
  2. a b REFweb [<url>-Parameter fehlt!]Debating the Male Circumcision Ban, 5minLife Videopedia. Abgerufen 24. April 2011.
  3. REFweb Craig Ferguson 11/22/10C Late Late Show Lisa Masterson, TVsCraigFerguson, YouTube. Abgerufen 24. April 2011.