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created from English and partly translated
{{NYT en}}
The '''preputial mucosa''' of the [[penis]] is the epithelium of the inside of the prepuce, or [[foreskin]]. To differentiate it from the cutaneous [[skin]] of the outside of the [[Foreskin|prepuce]], it is sometimes referred to as the '''inner mucosa'''. It starts at the mucocutaneous junction at the tip of the [[Foreskin|prepuce]] and continues to the coronal sulcus (groove behind the [[glans penis]]), where it meets the epithelium of the glans and penile shaft.<ref name="cold-taylor1999">{{ColdCJ TaylorJR 1999}}</ref> The preputial mucosa is devoid of hair, as is the cutaneous surface.<ref name="taylor1996">{{TaylorJR LockwoodAP TaylorAJ 1996}}</ref>
Fleiss et al. (1998) report the inner [[mucosa]] contains apocrine glands, which secrete cathepsin B, lysozyme, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase, and hormones such as androsterone. The first four substances have protective immunological functions.<ref name="fleiss-hodges-vanhowe1998">{{FleissP HodgesF VanHoweRS 1998}}</ref>
After [[circumcision]], the residual [[mucosa]] is found between the [[circumcision scar]] and the [[glans penis]]. The [[mucosa]] is no longer moisturized by [[transudation]] from the [[foreskin]] and becomes desiccated and [[Dekeratinization| keratinized]]. Non-surgical [[foreskin restoration]] helps the mucosa to return to normal by [[dekeratinization]].
== Pflege ==
Birley et al. (1993) recommended that the use of soap and excessive washing inside the foreskin be avoided.<ref>{{REFjournal
|title=Clinical Features and management of recurrent balanitis; association with atopy and genital washing
|journal=Genitourin Med
* [[Immunologische und Schutzfunktion der Vorhaut]]
* [[Pheromon]]
* [[Gefurchtes Band]]
* {{REFweb
|title=Penile hygiene for intact (non-circumcised) males
|publisher=Circumcision Reference Library
|quote=The foreskin keeps the mucosal surfaces moist, emolliated, and maintains optimum health, while preventing drying, and keratinization of the mucosa. The sub-preputial moisture contains pathogen-fighting substances.
[[Kategorie:Anatomie des Penis]]
[[Kategorie:Anatomie der Vorhaut]]
[[en:Preputial mucosa]]
The '''preputial mucosa''' of the [[penis]] is the epithelium of the inside of the prepuce, or [[foreskin]]. To differentiate it from the cutaneous [[skin]] of the outside of the [[Foreskin|prepuce]], it is sometimes referred to as the '''inner mucosa'''. It starts at the mucocutaneous junction at the tip of the [[Foreskin|prepuce]] and continues to the coronal sulcus (groove behind the [[glans penis]]), where it meets the epithelium of the glans and penile shaft.<ref name="cold-taylor1999">{{ColdCJ TaylorJR 1999}}</ref> The preputial mucosa is devoid of hair, as is the cutaneous surface.<ref name="taylor1996">{{TaylorJR LockwoodAP TaylorAJ 1996}}</ref>
Fleiss et al. (1998) report the inner [[mucosa]] contains apocrine glands, which secrete cathepsin B, lysozyme, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase, and hormones such as androsterone. The first four substances have protective immunological functions.<ref name="fleiss-hodges-vanhowe1998">{{FleissP HodgesF VanHoweRS 1998}}</ref>
After [[circumcision]], the residual [[mucosa]] is found between the [[circumcision scar]] and the [[glans penis]]. The [[mucosa]] is no longer moisturized by [[transudation]] from the [[foreskin]] and becomes desiccated and [[Dekeratinization| keratinized]]. Non-surgical [[foreskin restoration]] helps the mucosa to return to normal by [[dekeratinization]].
== Pflege ==
Birley et al. (1993) recommended that the use of soap and excessive washing inside the foreskin be avoided.<ref>{{REFjournal
|title=Clinical Features and management of recurrent balanitis; association with atopy and genital washing
|journal=Genitourin Med
* [[Immunologische und Schutzfunktion der Vorhaut]]
* [[Pheromon]]
* [[Gefurchtes Band]]
* {{REFweb
|title=Penile hygiene for intact (non-circumcised) males
|publisher=Circumcision Reference Library
|quote=The foreskin keeps the mucosal surfaces moist, emolliated, and maintains optimum health, while preventing drying, and keratinization of the mucosa. The sub-preputial moisture contains pathogen-fighting substances.
[[Kategorie:Anatomie des Penis]]
[[Kategorie:Anatomie der Vorhaut]]
[[en:Preputial mucosa]]