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Übereinstimmungen mit Inhalten

  • #REDIRECT [[Male Circumcision Consortium]]
    42 Bytes (4 Wörter) - 21:34, 2. Dez. 2019
  • #REDIRECT [[Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision]]
    49 Bytes (5 Wörter) - 21:43, 12. Nov. 2019
  • #REDIRECT [[Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision]]
    49 Bytes (5 Wörter) - 11:49, 17. Mär. 2022
  • [[Image:Circumcision trainer1.jpg|right|thumb|Male Circumcision Model Trainer Simulators]] [[Male Circumcision Model Trainer Simulators]].
    1 KB (175 Wörter) - 08:09, 27. Apr. 2022
  • …e Stopes International''' trug zur Einrichtung des [[Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision]] bei.<ref>{{REFweb |last=Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision
    1.023 Bytes (118 Wörter) - 17:29, 1. Mär. 2020
  • …udy which advocated that all state Medicaid plans should cover infant male circumcision. |title=Infant Male Circumcision and Future Health Disparities
    978 Bytes (125 Wörter) - 12:52, 29. Mär. 2020
  • …he MCC runs [[Clearinghouse_on_Male_Circumcision|The Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention]] ([]). …safe male circumcision services in countries that choose to scale up male circumcision as one component of comprehensive HIV prevention services.
    4 KB (644 Wörter) - 21:38, 2. Dez. 2019
  • Das '''Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision''' existiert, um globale Beschneidungsprogramme auszuweiten.<ref name="abou |last=Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision
    2 KB (264 Wörter) - 17:55, 23. Nov. 2022
  • * [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]] …ians protest against American Academy of Pediatrics’ policy on infant male circumcision]</ref>]
    1 KB (167 Wörter) - 12:27, 19. Sep. 2019
  • |title=Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: An Introduction to the Cost, Impact, and Challenges of Accelerated Scaling |title=Male circumcision programmes as part of combination HIV prevention are beneficial and cost ef
    2 KB (232 Wörter) - 12:05, 27. Nov. 2021
  • …tional]] betriebenen [[Konsortiums für männliche Beschneidung]] (MCC, Male circumcision consortium), das von der [[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation]] finanziert wir …130630031418/
    1 KB (191 Wörter) - 18:01, 12. Mär. 2020
  • …keeping the surface of the glans and inner mucosa moist and supple. After circumcision, however, the glans and surrounding mucosa become permanently externalized, …tion, while the soft and sensitive foreskin and glans mucosa of the intact male were ports of entry.<ref>{{REFjournal
    3 KB (489 Wörter) - 11:22, 28. Nov. 2021
  • == Philo and circumcision == …pride and pleasure, hence enhancing the spiritual persona of the Israelite male (De Circumcisione, 11:210).<ref>{{REFweb
    3 KB (457 Wörter) - 08:17, 26. Mai 2020
  • The '''risks and complications''' of male circumcision are extensive and only gradually being recognized by medical authorities. …ified, that should be considered in assessing the total risk of a proposed circumcision.
    5 KB (595 Wörter) - 12:46, 29. Mär. 2020
  • }}</ref> where she regularly advocates and promotes circumcision.<ref name="debate video">{{REFweb |url=<!-- -->
    2 KB (215 Wörter) - 10:43, 29. Mär. 2020
  • …ght AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria''' granted $33 million for medical male circumcision programs ([[VMMC]]} in [[South Africa]].<ref>{{REFweb |quote=$33 million for medical male circumcision
    3 KB (448 Wörter) - 13:02, 2. Mär. 2025
  • | url= | title=Male circumcision opposition supported by poor evidence, paper finds
    714 Bytes (85 Wörter) - 09:01, 20. Sep. 2021
  • …idal el-Ghatis]], dem palästinensisch-australischen Autor des Buches "Male Circumcision Is a Crime Against Humanity and Islam". Ghatis ist zudem ein Administrator …/
    2 KB (201 Wörter) - 12:15, 13. Dez. 2019
  • }}</ref>, has likened infant male circumcision to criminal assault. …al, to propose that "male circumcision would not be totally banned. Rather circumcision of those persons unable to consent for themselves (which would, of course,
    3 KB (356 Wörter) - 15:06, 22. Mär. 2022
  • }}</ref> Das CMMB-Programm [[Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision]] (VMMC) Programm ist seit 2007 in Kenia aktiv. |title=Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision
    3 KB (322 Wörter) - 09:40, 18. Nov. 2022

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