Murray Katz

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Murray Katz
Colleagues & benefactors:
Neil Pollock
Pierre Crouse

Murray Katz is a doctor whose primary business is the circumcision of children.

Innovative technique

According to the National Post, Murray Katz collaborated with Neil Pollock on creating a so-called "new and innovative technique" for circumcision.[1] On his website, however, Neil Pollock doesn't seem to offer Katz much credit, and takes most of it for himself.[2] This "new technique," which is sold by at least one other doctor, namely Pierre Crouse, is said by Pollock and his associates to be "virtually bloodless," "virtually painless," and "taking under 30 seconds."[3]

Closer inspection reveals that Pollock and Katz aren't doing anything "new"; on his website, Pollock reveals that he uses the Mogen technique, which involves the Mogen clamp.[4] The Mogen clamp was invented in 1954,[5] but it is actually one of many successors to the much older, traditional barzel device.[6]

What Katz may not tell parents about Mogen

The website insists that without experience, which it boasts Pollock for having, the methods and techniques he uses could be "potentially dangerous," however the Mogen clamp has been notorious for glans amputations, even among experienced conductors of circumcision.[7] Mogen went out of business[8] after losing a 10.8 million dollar law suit,[9] after a mohel[10] severed the end of a baby's glans[11] using one of their clamps. Mogen claimed that injury was impossible with its use.[12] The injury behind a prior lawsuit in Fulton County Superior Court had already put Mogen on notice about the danger of the device.[13]

In a different case, at South Fulton Medical Center, another law suit was won in 2009.[14] In that case, a child lost a third of his glans, and the plaintiffs were awarded 2.3 million dollars.[15]


  1. REFnews Owens, Anne Marie (22. Januar 2001)."Like father, like son There is so much evidence for and against circumcision that making a decision has become almost impossible. In the end, most parents use family tradition or simply trust their instincts". Abgerufen 7. Oktober 2012. "Dr. Neil Pollock, a Vancouver-area physician who is also a trained mohel designated to perform ritual Jewish circumcisions, has pioneered a technique with Dr. Murray Katz of Montreal using a four-step approach to pain relief and a piece of equipment that allows for a much quicker operation."
  2. REFweb Parents' Guide to Circumcision. Abgerufen 8. April 2011.
    Zitat: A new approach has recently been developed that allows for a virtually painless and bloodless procedure to be safely performed in under 30 seconds. This technique was developed by Dr. Pollock and is used by few in the medical profession because it is relatively new and more difficult to learn.
  3. REFweb (8. April 2011). Pollock Clinics Infant Circumcision. Abgerufen 8. April 2011.
    Zitat: 30 second, virtually bloodless, virtually painless procedure
  4. REFweb Parents' Guide to Circumcision. Abgerufen 8. April 2011.
    Zitat: The technique used by Dr. Pollock is called the Mogen technique.
  5. REFweb Use of the Mogen clamp for neonatal circumcision. Abgerufen 8. April 2011.
    Zitat: The Mogen clamp was invented in 1954 by Rabbi Harry Bronstein, a Brooklyn mohel.
  6. REFweb (8. April 2011). Methods of circumcision, Abgerufen 8. April 2011.
    Zitat: The barzel (Hebrew for iron) also known as a mogen (Hebrew for shield) s a slotted shield to...
  7. REFjournal Taeusch HW, Martinez AM, Partridge JC, Sniderman S, Armstrong-Wells J, Fuentes-Afflick E. Pain During Mogen or Plastibell Circumcision. Journal of Perinatology. April 2002; 22(3): 214-218. Abgerufen am 8. April 2011.
    Zitat: ...approximately 10% of the glans of a newborn was amputated (it was reattached surgically) during a Mogen circumcision carried out by two of our most experienced physicians.
  8. REFnews Tagami, Ty (19. Juli 2010)."Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision". Abgerufen 8. April 2011. "The company is going out of business, according to a woman who answered the phone at its Brooklyn headquarters Monday."
  9. REFnews Tagami, Ty (19. Juli 2010)."Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision". Abgerufen 8. April 2011. "after an infant lost a portion of his penis during an operation with the Mogen clamp, a judge awarded $10.8 million in damages against the company."
  10. REFnews Tagami, Ty (19. Juli 2010)."Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision". Abgerufen 8. April 2011. "In this case, a New York mohel, or Jewish ritual circumcisor, performed the operation in the baby's home"
  11. REFnews Tagami, Ty (19. Juli 2010)."Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision". Abgerufen 8. April 2011. "The baby in the current case, identified in court documents only as L.G., lost the entire glans, or head, of his penis ..."
  12. REFnews Tagami, Ty (19. Juli 2010)."Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision". Abgerufen 8. April 2011. "The maker of an instrument used in circumcisions claimed that injury was impossible with its use..."
  13. REFnews Tagami, Ty (19. Juli 2010)."Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision". Abgerufen 8. April 2011. "Attorney David Llewellyn won a similar case in Atlanta last year and the injury behind that prior lawsuit in Fulton County Superior Court put the New York clamp manufacturer on notice about the danger of the device..."
  14. REFnews Tagami, Ty (19. Juli 2010)."Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision". Abgerufen 8. April 2011. "Llewellyn won another circumcision case in 2009 over an operation at South Fulton Medical Center."
  15. REFnews Tagami, Ty (19. Juli 2010)."Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision". Abgerufen 8. April 2011. "The jury found that both the pediatrician and the physician who performed the circumcision were negligent, and awarded $2.3 million to the plaintiffs."