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{{NYT en}}[[ForeskinnedVorhäutig]] doctors tend to write papers hostile to circumcisione Ärzte neigen dazu, while Artikel zu schreiben, die der Beschneidung feindlich gesinnt sind, während [[circumcised doctorsbeschnittene Ärzte]] tend to write papers in favor of circumcisiondazu neigen, Artikel zugunsten der Beschneidung zu schreiben.<ref name="hill2007" /> Consequently, the medical literature regarding male circumcision is highly polarizedFolglich ist die medizinische Literatur bezüglich männlicher Beschneidung stark polarisiert, argumentative, and argumentativ und [[BiasVoreingenommenheit| biasedvoreingenommen]]. American doctors do research to find reasons to carry out nonAmerikanische Ärzte forschen, um Gründe für die Durchführung einer nicht-therapeutic circumcisiontherapeutischen Beschneidung zu finden.<ref name="fleiss1999">{{REFbook
=== UK ===
[[File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|thumb|150px|Flag of the United Kingdom]]
The [https://www.bma.org.uk/ British Medical Association] 28-page statement (2019) focuses on legal and ethical advice to its fellows to help keep them out of trouble in a legal and regulatory environment that is increasingly unfriendly to practitioners of non-therapeutic male circumcision. It has little to say about the medical aspects of non-therapeutic circumcision. To its credit it cites the [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/42/contents#aofs Human Rights Act 1998] and calls for practitioners to respect the child's rights under that act.
* {{REFweb
|title=Non-therapeutic male circumcision (NTMC) of children – practical guidance for doctors
|publisher=British Medical Association
partly translated
|first=Paul M.
|author-link=Paul M. Fleiss
|title=An Analysis of Bias Regarding Circumcision in American Medical Literature: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice. |trans-title=Eine Analyse der Voreingenommenheit in Bezug auf die Beschneidung in der amerikanischen medizinischen Literatur: Medizinische, rechtliche und ethische Überlegungen in der pädiatrischen Praxis |language=Englisch
|work=Male and Female Circumcision:
|editoreditors=Denniston, George C.GC, Hodges, Frederick MansfieldFM, Milos, Marilyn |edition= |volume= |chapter=MF
|location=New York
|publisher=Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
== Review of the circumcision literature Überprüfung der Beschneidungsliteratur =={{NYT en}}
Bossio et al. (2014) conducted a comprehensive review of the circumcision literature. They reported that most research was concentrated on finding a benefit for non-therapeutic circumcision and there were large gaps in the knowledge of the sexual health correlates of male circumcision, including:
* penile sensation
To carry out the recommendations of the authors it would be necessary to violate the [[human rights]] of more boys who would be permanently injured by non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] and the loss of the multi-functional [[foreskin]].
== Statements from medical trade associations Stellungnahmen medizinischer Fachverbände ==
Medical trade associations exist to protect and advance the financial and business interests of their fellows (members). A few medical trade associations, whose members perform non-therapeutic circumcision, have issued statements regarding non-therapeutic circumcision of children. Circumcision policy statements frequently exclude discussions of sexual, psychological, human rights, ethical, and legal issues, and the anatomy and functions of the foreskin.<ref name="goldman2004">{{REFjournal
One should draw a distinction between non-US statements and US statements.
=== Australasia Australien und Ozeanien ===
[[File:Flag_of_Australia.svg|thumb|150px|Flag of Australia]]
The [https://www.racp.edu.au Royal Australasian College of Physicians] (2010) released a 28-page updated position statement on non-therapeutic circumcision of boys in September 2010. This statement is deeply flawed and outmoded in 2020. It seems to be designed to protect the physicians' income from performing non-therapeutic circumcision. The statement accepts at face value the false, now disproved,<ref name="boyle-hill2011">{{BoyleGJ HillG 2011}}</ref> claims that circumcision reduces the risk of [[HIV]] by 60 percent. The statement shows only limited understanding of the functions of the foreskin. While it recognizes the protective function, it does not recognize the immunological function or sexual function, and shows only limited understanding of the erogenous function. The RACP places parental preference above child human rights. Nevertheless, public hospitals in [[Australia]] have banned performance of non-therapeutic circumcisions<ref>{{REFnews
=== Canada Großbritannien ===[[File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|thumb|150px|Flag of the United Kingdom]]The [https://www.bma.org.uk/ British Medical Association] 28-page statement (2019) focuses on legal and ethical advice to its fellows to help keep them out of trouble in a legal and regulatory environment that is increasingly unfriendly to practitioners of non-therapeutic male circumcision. It has little to say about the medical aspects of non-therapeutic circumcision. To its credit it cites the [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/42/contents#aofs Human Rights Act 1998] and calls for practitioners to respect the child's rights under that act. * {{REFweb |url=https://www.bma.org.uk/media/1847/bma-non-therapeutic-male-circumcision-of-children-guidance-2019.pdf |title=Non-therapeutic male circumcision (NTMC) of children – practical guidance for doctors |publisher=British Medical Association |website=www.bma.org.uk |date=2019 |format=PDF}} === Kanada ===
[[File:Flag_of_Canada.svg|thumb|150px|Flag of Canada]]
The [[Canadian Paediatric Society]] (2015) issued a new statement regarding non-therapeutic circumcision of boys. This statement was prompted by the three seriously flawed [[HIV]] studies of adult males in Africa, that have now been disproved,<ref name="boyle-hill2011"/> and caused the retirement of the excellent previous 1996 statement.<ref name="cps1996">{{REFjournal
=== Netherlands Niederlande ===
[[File:Flag_of_Netherlands.svg|thumb|150px|Flag of The Netherlands]]
The [https://www.knmg.nl Royal Dutch Medical Association] {KNMG) published a statement regarding the non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of male minors in 2010. The Netherlands is a nation where [[human rights]] are respected,<ref name="smith1998">{{REFweb
The AAP has a long-standing policy that its published policies and statements expire after five years unless re-affirmed. The AAP has ''not'' re-affirmed the statements below so they expired on 31 August 2017. The AAP now has ''no'' official position on non-therapeutic circumcision of boys.
The [https://www.acog.org American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists] (ACOG) endorsed the 2012 AAP statement even before it had been published. It promptly put its own statement on its website citing the now expired AAP statement and subtly promoting non-therapeutic male circumcision to expectant mothers. It still cites the AAP statement although that statement expired in 2017.
The [https://www.aafp.org/home.html American Academy of Family Physicians] continues to promote non-therapeutic male circumcision. The AAFP report is based on the now discredited 2012 AAP statement. It touts prevention of [[urinary tract infection]] (UTI), but fails to advise that UTI is easily treatable with antibiotics if it should occur. The AAFP gives no information on the multiple functions and value of the foreskin. It fails to state that circumcision of the newborn is a medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic [[amputation]] of a valuable body part that leaves a life-long injury and impairment of function.