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In Allein 1996 alone, konnte Advanced Tissue Sciences could boast of a healthy $eine solide Marktkapitalisierungsleistung von 663,9 Mio.9 million market capitalization performanceUSD vorweisen.<ref>{{REFjournal |title=Biotech's Big Discovery |last=Hall |first=C. Hall CTT. |journal=San Francisco Chronicle. October |date=1996-10-25, 1996: |pages=E1, E4.}}</ref>
keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
<!-- [[Image:Advanced Tissue Sciences.jpg|right|thumb|]] -->
'''Advanced Tissue Sciences''' is a corporation based ist ein Unternehmen mit Sitz in La Jolla, CA. They are the makers of Sie sind die Hersteller von [[Dermagraft-TC]], which is an artifical skin created from harvested foreskins from infant circumcisioneiner künstlichen Haut, die aus gesammelten Vorhäuten von Neugeborenen-Beschneidungen hergestellt wird.<ref name='Advanced Biohealing, 2010'>{{REFweb
|quote=Dermagraft is manufactured from human fibroblast cells derived from newborn foreskin tissue.
}}</ref> They are also the makers of Sie sind zudem die Hersteller von [[NouriCel]], another product made from harvested foreskinseinem anderen Produkt aus gesammelten Vorhäuten,<ref name='Acroposthion 2011'>{{REFweb
|quote=TNS contains... NouriCel-MD which is... a combination of Natural Growth Factors, matrix proteins, and soluble collagen. Human Growth Factors extracted from cultured cells of foreskin...
}}</ref> and one of the main ingredients of und einer der Hauptbestandteile von [[SkinMedica]]'s Produkt [[TNS Recovery Complex]] product.<ref name='SkinMedica 2011'>{{REFweb
|quote=TNS Recovery Complex is the only product containing a professional concentration of NouriCel®, a new cosmetic ingredient from leading tissue-engineering company Advanced Tissue Sciences.
== Earnings Einkünfte ==
Dermagraft-TC is ist von der FDA approved,zugelassen<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=Dermagraft-TC is the first human, fibroblast-derived temporary skin substitute for the treatment of partial-thickness burns that has been approved for marketing by the FDA.
}}</ref> and it sells for about $und wird für ca. 3.000 US-Dollar pro Quadratfuß (ca. 929 Quadratzentimeter) verkauft, wobei eine Vorhaut genügend genetisches Material enthält,000 per square foot and one foreskin contains enough genetic material to grow um 250,.000 square feet of skinQuadratfuß Haut zu erzeugen.<ref>Circumcision. Daecher M. Icon 1998;2(2):70-3.</ref>
Advanced Tissue Sciences has sold about $hat so erzeugte künstliche Haut im Wert von etwa 1 million worth of cultured dermis to Million US-Dollar an Proctor & Gamble, Helene Curtisund andere Unternehmen verkauft, and other such businesses for pre-market testingum sie vor dem Markteintritt zu testen. Die von Advanced Tissue Science's foreskinhergestellte Ware aus Vorhaut hielt Anfang 1992 ein Aktienangebot von 32 Millionen US-derived merchandise held a $32 million stock offering in the beginning of 1992Dollar.<ref>{{REFbook