Listen vorhautfreundlicher und intaktfreundlicher Ärzte

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Parents of intact, foreskinned boys have frequently found that many American health care providers lack training or knowledge of the care of the human foreskin — a normal component of the human body. The foreskins of infant boys have been mishandled frequently by health care providers, including forced foreskin retraction, resulting in pain, trauma, and injury to intact boys.[1] Intactivist organizations have responded by producing lists of knowledgeable physicians, who provide satisfactory care for foreskinned boys. Two lists are now available.

List of foreskin-friendly physicians

After an overwhelming number of reports of such occurrences, a list of foreskin-friendly physicians was created by Dr. Momma - peaceful parenting.

List of intact-friendly doctors

An intact-friendly doctors list was created by Your Whole Baby.


The lists are based on parental reports of satisfactory treatment of foreskinned boys. There is no independent investigation.

It was originally restricted to United States physicians but recently a few from Canada have been added to the list of foreskin-friendly physicians. The physicians are grouped by state or province location.

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