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(Dieser Artikel wurde noch nicht aus dem Englischen übersetzt oder enthält noch englische Textpassagen. Bitte beziehe dich vorerst auf die Informationen im englischen Artikel. Klicke dazu in der IntactiWiki-Navigation im Abschnitt "In anderen Sprachen" auf "English".) is a service announced by Intact America to commence in the Spring of 2024, which will provide professional assistance to parents and others who have experienced unethical or otherwise bad medical practice at the hands of American health care workers in the practice of circumcision and/or the care of foreskinned boys.

According to Georganne Chapin: is a free online medical mistreatment service for filing official complaints for circumcision, foreskin, penis, and other genital harms.[1]

Types of complaints

Some practices have been named for which DoNoHarm would file a report.

They include:

  • Solicitation for medically unnecessary non-therapeutic surgery such as infant circumcision.[2] This is a highly unethical practice[3] and may also be unlawful.[4]
  • Risks and complications of genital surgery are commonplace and usually attributed to malpractice for which a complaint to medical authorities may be filed.
  • Forced foreskin retraction is extremely harmful to boys and unfortunately is a very common practice in the United States. It frequently occurs during a visit to an ignorant pediatrician.

The three items above have been cited as examples of issues for which DoNoHarm would file a complaint, but it does not exclude similar issues related to circumcision.

Filing a complaint

The DoNoHarm website advises that one must first register, then one must fill out a form.

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  1. REFweb Chapin, Georganne (2023). project announcement, Intact America. Abgerufen 17. Mai 2024.
  2. REFnews Chapin, Georganne (18. November 2020)."Having a Baby Boy? Intact America Warns, 'Get Ready for the Circumcision Sellers!'", Cision. Abgerufen 17. Mai 2024.
  3. REFjournal Geisheker JV, Hill G. US bioethics fall short of world standards PDF. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. November 2004; 89(6): F563. PMID. PMC. DOI. Abgerufen am 17. Mai 2024.
  4. REFjournal Adler PW. Is circumcision legal? PDF. Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest. 2013; 16(3): 439-86. Abgerufen am 8. Mai 2020.