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Pierre Crouse

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{| class="infobox vcard" style="190px; font-size:90%" border="0" cellspacing="4" align="right"
|- style="background: #DCDCDC"
| align="center" | '''Colleagues Kollegen & BenefactorsFörderer:'''
| align="center" | [[Neil Pollock]]<br>[[Murray Katz]]
'''Pierre Crouse''' is a Canadian physician centered ist ein kanadischer Arzt mit Sitz in Calgary, Alberta, [[Kanada]]. One of his main practices is infant circumcisionEine seiner Hauptpraktiken ist die nicht-therapeutische Beschneidung von Säuglingen, he has a websiteer hat eine Website<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Intramed Medical Centre - Infant Circumcision
}}</ref> and he advertises und er wirbt in parents' magazines and even on city bussesElternzeitschriften und sogar in Stadtbussen.<ref name='CBC News 2011-05-04'>{{REFnews
Die [[Canadian Urological Association]] sagt, „die Beschneidung von Neugeborenen kann auf der Grundlage der derzeit verfügbaren Beweise nicht gerechtfertigt werden.“<ref name="cua2018">{{REFjournal |last= Crouse Dave |first=Sumit |init=S |author-link= |last2=Afshar |first2=Kourash |init2=K |author2-link= |last3=Braga |first3=Luis |init3=L |author3-link= |last4=Anderson |first4=Peter |init4=P |author4-link= |etal=no |title=Canadian Urological Association guideline on the care of the normal foreskin and Pollock websites are nearly identical neonatal circumcision in Canadian infants (full version) |journal=Can Urol Assoc J |location= |date=2018-02 |volume=12 |issue=2 |pages=E76-99 |url=http://www.cua.org/themes/web/assets/files/5033_foreskin_guideline_longversion.pdf |pubmedID=29381458 |pubmedCID=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc5937400/ |DOI=/10.5489/cuaj.5033 |accessdate=2020-07-07}}</ref>
== Die Websites von Crouse's website is a near mirror-image of that of und Pollock sind nahezu identisch == Crouses Website ist fast ein Spiegelbild der von [[Neil Pollock]]'s. Some of the diagram images he uses are exactly the sameEinige der Diagrammbilder, die er verwendet, sind genau gleich, and some of the statements are repeated verbatimund einige der Aussagen werden wörtlich wiederholt. Like Wie Pollock, vertritt Crouse espouses the die [[Mogen]] technique-Technik,<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=At Intramed, Dr. Crouse performs the Mogen circumcision technique.
|title=Parents’ guide to Circumcision
}}</ref> and he advertises it as und er bewirbt es als "newneu, safe, and virtually painlesssicher und praktisch schmerzlos",<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=Learn more about the Mogen Circumcision Technique, a new, safe and virtually painless procedure performed in less than a minute.
|title=Intramed Medical Centre - Infant Circumcision
}}</ref> as well being "quickaußerdem sei es „schnell, [withmit] minimal discomfort, and virtually bloodlessminimalem Unbehagen und praktisch unblutig“."<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=Quick, Minimal Discomfort, Virtually Bloodless
|title=Intramed Medical Centre - Infant Circumcision
Except for a few changes in wording, Abgesehen von ein paar Änderungen im Wortlaut sind die Seiten von Pollock and Crouse's und Crouses "Parents' Guide to CircumcisionLeitfaden für Eltern zur Beschneidung" pages are nearly identical, advertizing the fast identisch: Sie bewerben die [[Mogen]] technique as taking less than a minute-Technik, and advertizing identical pain control methods of die angeblich weniger als eine Minute dauert, und sie bewerben identische [[Schmerz]]-Kontrollmethoden von Tylenol, sugar, and a local anaesthetic injectionZucker und eine örtliche Betäubungsspritze.<refname="LessThan1Minute">{{REFweb
|quote=Our procedure takes less than 1 minute. (many times faster than most hospital circumcisions) We use extensive pain control methods including Tylenol, a sugar solution (to reduce pain perception), topical freezing and a local anesthetic injection.
|title=Parents’ guide to Circumcision
Die „Leitfaden für Eltern zur Beschneidung“-Seiten von Pollock and und Crouse's "Parents' Guide to Circumcision" pages can be compared können [http://www.pollockclinics.com/circumcision/circumcision-guide.html herehier] and und [https://web.archive.org/web/20160325023627/http://www.circumcisioncalgary.ca/more.htm herehier]verglichen werden. (Pages last viewed on May 4th, 2011)
== Misleading Irreführende Information ==
Like Wie bei Neil Pollocksind die Informationen, the information that die Pierre Crouse dispenses is misleadingverbreitet, it conflicts with information provided on his own websiteirreführend, or it is simply not truestehen im Widerspruch zu Informationen auf seiner eigenen Website oder sind einfach nicht wahr.
=== "Virtually BloodlessQuasi ohne Blutung" ===
„Virtual Bloodless“ ("Virtually BloodlessQuasi ohne Blutung" appears in ) erscheint auf der Website von Pierre Crouse's website exactly as it does on genauso wie auf der Website von Neil Pollock's, and just the same, information on blood control can be found on other parts of und ebenso finden sich Informationen zur Blutkontrolle auf anderen Teilen der Website von Crouse's website.<ref>{{REFweb |quote=First, the cut edge seals and the [[bleeding ]] ceases within minutes, hours, or even over the course of an entire day. |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160325023158/http://www.circumcisioncalgary.ca/after.htm
|title=After the Circumcision
|quote=A small amount of [[bleeding is normal.A small amount of bleeding ]] is normal. |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160325023644/http://www.circumcisioncalgary.ca/questions.htm
|title=Frequently asked questions
=== "Virtually PainlessQuasi schmerzfrei" ===
Like Wie [[Neil Pollock, ]] verspricht auch Pierre Crouse promises , dass die [[Mogen]]-Technik<ref name="kaweblum1984">{{REFjournal |last=Kaweblum |first=Yosef |init=Y |author-link= |last2=Press |first2=Shirley |init2=S |author2-link= |last3=Kogan |first3=Leib |init3=L |author3-link= |title=Circumcision using the mogen clamp |journal=Clin Pediatr |location=PA |date=1984-12 |volume=23 |issue= |pages=679-82 |url=http://www.cirp.org/library/procedure/mogen/ |archived= |quote= |pubmedID=6499347 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.1177/000992288402301204 |accessdate=2020-08-06}}</ref> durch seine [[MogenSchmerz]] technique, along with his pain control methods to be -Kontrollmethoden "schmerzlos"painlesssei," affirming his customers with his surgical and anaesthesia backgroundindem er seinen Kunden seinen chirurgischen und anästhesiologischen Hintergrund erklärt.<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=With his surgical and anesthesia background he is convinced that the Mogen circumcision technique with 4 steps pain control protocol is the most effective and painless method available.
|title=About Dr. Crouse
}}</ref> As Genau wie Pollock, gibt Pierre Crouse announces that the pain control methods used are bekannt, dass die verwendeten [[Schmerz]]-Kontrollmethoden Tylenol, sugarZucker, a topical cream, and a local anaesthetic injectioneine [[EMLA|topische Creme]] und eine Injektion eines Lokalanästhetikums sind.<refname="LessThan1Minute"/>{{REFweb |quote=Our procedure takes less than 1 minute. (many times faster than most hospital circumcisions) We use extensive pain control methods including TylenolDas topische Anästhetikum dient nur dazu, den Bereich zu betäuben, um die Schmerzen der Injektion zu lindern, a sugar solution (to reduce pain perception)aber Studien haben gezeigt, topical freezing and a local anesthetic injection. |url=http://www.circumcisioncalgary.ca/more.htm |title=Parents’ guide to Circumcision |last= |first= |publisher=Intramed |date= |accessdate=2011-05-04}}</ref> The topical anaesthetic only serves to numb the area to lessen the pain of the injectiondass eine Blockade des dorsalen Penisrings nicht immer wirksam ist, but studies have shown that a dorsal penile ring block is not always effective in stopping the pain of circumcisionum die [[Schmerz]]en der Beschneidung]] effektiv zu stoppen.<ref>{{REFjournal
|first=H. William
}}</ref> During the circumcisionWährend der Beschneidung wird dem Kind Zucker verabreicht, the child is given sugar to "reduce his pain perceptions"um „seine Schmerzwahrnehmung zu verringern“, but aber in at least one studymindestens einer Studie zeigen Daten, data shows that giving sugar to a child doesn't help to reduce the perception of pain in the childdass die Gabe von Zucker an ein Kind nicht dazu beiträgt, die Schmerzwahrnehmung des Kindes zu verringern.<ref name='Lancet, The 2010-10-09'>{{REFjournal
|first9=Prof. Maria
|title=Oral sucrose as an analgesic drug for procedural pain in newborn infants: a randomised controlled trial
}}</ref> Post-operative pain and the pain the child must endure during recovery is hardlyPostoperative Schmerzen und die Schmerzen, if everdie das Kind während der Genesung ertragen muss, addressedwerden kaum, wenn überhaupt, angesprochen.
=== "Under one minute" ===Beschneidungs[[schmerz]] ist tatsächlich schwerwiegend und traumatisch.
In a manner similar to Neil Pollock, Pierre Crouse promises a circumcision procedure that takes "under one minute,"<ref>{{REFweb |quote=Our procedure takes less than 1 minute. (many times faster than most hospital circumcisions) We use extensive pain control methods including Tylenol, a sugar solution (to reduce pain perception), topical freezing and a local anesthetic injection. |url=http://www.circumcisioncalgary.ca/more.htm |title=Parents’ guide to Circumcision |last"Weniger als eine Minute" = |first= |publisher=Intramed |date= |accessdateÄhnlich wie Neil Pollock verspricht Pierre Crouse ein Beschneidungsverfahren, das „weniger als eine Minute“ dauert, <ref name=2011-05-04}}<"LessThan1Minute"/ref> but this doesn't take into account the fact that the child must first have topical anaesthetic applied, and then be given the dorsal penile ring block for which there is a aber dies berücksichtigt nicht die Tatsache, dass dem Kind zuerst eine topische Betäubung verabreicht werden muss, wonach es dann den dorsalen Penisringblock bekommt, für den eine Wartezeit von 10 minute waiting period for the injection to take effectMinuten gilt, bis die Injektion wirksam wird.
=== "A New TechniqueEine neue Technik" ===
As Als Neil Pollock, verkauft Pierre Crouse sells the die [[Mogen]] circumcision technique as a new and recent development-Beschneidungstechnik als eine neue und junge Entwicklung.<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=Learn more about the Mogen Circumcision Technique, a new, safe and virtually painless procedure performed in less than a minute.
|title=Intramed Medical Centre - Infant Circumcision
}}</ref> Strangely enoughSeltsamerweise verwendet Pollocks Website eine Sprache, Pollock's website uses language that suggests that he uses state-of-the-art techniques and equipment that no other surgeon possessesdie darauf hindeutet, by warning against others who try to "emulate" himdass er modernste Techniken und Geräte verwendet, die kein anderer Chirurg besitzt, indem er vor anderen warnt, die versuchen, ihm „nachzueifern“.<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=You may notice other local websites, desperately attempting to emulate Dr.Pollock both in name of website and content. Please be clear when researching your son's circumcision, that the methods and techniques for providing this surgery are only as meaningful as the operating physician's experience, without which, any method or technique is potentially dangerous.
}}</ref> Closer inspection reveals that neither Bei näherer Betrachtung zeigt sich, dass weder Pollock nor noch Crouse is doing anything "newirgendetwas „Neues“ machen." The Die Mogen clamp was invented in -Klemme wurde 1954erfunden,<ref name='Reynolds 1996'>{{REFweb
|quote=The Mogen clamp was invented in 1954 by Rabbi Harry Bronstein, a Brooklyn mohel.
}}</ref> but it is actually one of many successors to the much olderaber es ist eigentlich einer von vielen Nachfolgern des viel älteren, traditional barzel devicetraditionellen Barzel-Geräts.<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=The barzel (Hebrew for iron) also known as a mogen (Hebrew for shield) s a slotted shield to =
==== What Was Crouse may not tell parents about den Eltern vielleicht nicht über Mogen erzählt ====
Pollock and und Crouse peddle the verkaufen die [[Mogen]] technique-Technik, but what they may not tell parents is that the aber was sie den Eltern vielleicht nicht sagen, ist, dass die Mogen clamp has been notorious for glans amputations-Klemme für [[Eichel]]-Amputationen berüchtigt ist, even among experienced conductors of circumcisionsogar unter erfahrenen Ausführern der [[Beschneidung]].<ref>{{REFjournal
|first=H. William
|quote=...approximately 10% of the glans of a newborn was amputated (it was reattached surgically) during a Mogen circumcision carried out by two of our most experienced physicians.
|pubmedID= |pubmedCID= |DOI= |date=2002-04 |accessdate=2011-04-08}}</ref> Die Firma Mogen went out of businessmusste schließen,<refname="tagami2011">{{REFnews
}}</ref> after losing a nachdem sie einen 10.,8 million dollar law suit,<ref>{{REFnews |last=Tagami |first=Ty |url=http://www.ajc.com/news/nation-world/atlanta-lawyer-winsMillionen-11Dollar-573890.html |title=Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision |publisher=The Atlanta Journal-Constitution |quote=after an infant lost a portion of his penis during an operation with the Mogen clampProzess verloren hatte, a judge awarded $10.8 million in damages against the company. |date=2010-07-19 |accessdate=2011-04-08}}</ref> after a mohel<ref>{{REFnews |last=Tagami |first=Ty |urlname=http:"tagami2011"//www.ajc.com/news/nation-world/atlanta-lawyer-wins-11-573890.html |title=Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision |publisher=The Atlanta Journal-Constitution |quote=In this case, a New York mohel, or Jewish ritual circumcisor, performed the operation in the baby> weil ein ''[[Mohel]]'s home |date=2010-07-19 |accessdate=2011-04-08}}</ref> severed the end of a baby's glans<ref>{{REFnews |last=Tagami |first=Ty |urlname=http:"tagami2011"//www> das Ende der Eichel des Babys mit einer ihrer Klemmen abgetrennt hatte.ajc.com/news/nation-world/atlanta-lawyer-wins-11-573890.html |title=Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision |publisher=The Atlanta Journal-Constitution |quote=The baby in the current case, identified in court documents only as L.G., lost the entire glans, or head, of his penis ... |date<ref name=2010-07-19 |accessdate=2011-04-08}}<"tagami2011"/ref> using one of their clamps. Mogen claimed that injury was impossible with its usehatte behauptet, eine Verletzung sei bei der Verwendung unmöglich.<refname="tagami2011"/>{{REFnews |last=Tagami |first=Ty |url=httpEine Verletzung, Gegenstand einer früheren Klage vor dem [https://www.ajc.com/news/nation-world/atlanta-lawyer-wins-11-573890.html |title=Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision |publisher=The Atlanta Journal-Constitution |quote=The maker of an instrument used in circumcisions claimed that injury was impossible with its use..fultoncourt. |date=2010-07-19 |accessdate=2011-04-08}}<org/ref> The injury behind a prior lawsuit in Fulton County Superior Court had already put ], hatte Mogen on notice about the danger of the devicebereits auf die Gefährlichkeit des Geräts aufmerksam gemacht.<refname="tagami2011"/>{{REFnews |last=Tagami |first=Ty |url=httpIn einem anderen Fall im [https://www.ajcyellowpages.com/newsatlanta-ga/nation-worldmip/atlanta-lawyer-wins-11-573890.html |title=Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision |publisher=The Atlanta Journal-Constitution |quote=Attorney David Llewellyn won a similar case in Atlanta last year and the injury behind that prior lawsuit in Fulton County Superior Court put the New York clamp manufacturer on notice about the danger of the device... |date=2010south-07fulton-19 |accessdate=2011medical-04center-08}}</ref> In a different case, at 482596089 South Fulton Medical Center, another law suit was won in ] wurde 2009ein anderer Prozess gegen Mogen gewonnen.<ref>{{REFnews |last=Tagami |first=Ty |url=http://www.ajc.com/news/nation-world/atlanta-lawyer-wins-11-573890.html |title=Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision |publisher=The Atlanta Journal-Constitution |quote=Llewellyn won another circumcision case in 2009 over an operation at South Fulton Medical Center. |date=2010-07-19 |accessdatename=2011-04-08}}<"tagami2011"/ref> In that casediesem Fall verlor ein Kind ein Drittel seiner Eichel, a child lost a third of his glansund den Klägern wurden 2, and the plaintiffs were awarded 2.3 million dollarsMillionen Dollar zugesprochen.<refname="tagami2011"/>{{REFnews |last=Tagami |first=Ty |url=http://www.ajc.com/news/nation-world/atlanta-lawyer-wins-11-573890.html |title=Atlanta lawyer wins $11 million lawsuit for family in botched circumcision |publisherFehlende Kostenübernahme =The Atlanta Journal-Constitution |quote=The jury found that both the pediatrician and the physician who performed the circumcision were negligent, and awarded $2.3 million to the plaintiffs. |date=2010-07-19 |accessdate=2011[[Kostenübernahme]] für nicht-04therapeutische [[Beschneidung]] ist in [[Kanada]] nicht verfügbar, so dass jeder, der eine nicht-08}}</ref>therapeutische [[Beschneidung]] haben will, aus eigener Tasche zahlen muss.
[[Kategorie:Finanzieller Vorteil]]
[[Kategorie:Von CircLeaks]]
