Schutz intakter Neugeborener im Krankenhaus
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Schutz intakter Neugeborener im Krankenhaus is an important but frequently overlooked parental duty for parents of a newborn intact boy in an American maternity hospital. An American hospital can be a dangerous place for the foreskin of an intact boy.[1] Non-therapeutic circumcision of newborn boys remains a common practice despite its harmful and unethical nature. Circumcision is a profit center for hospitals, so many will promote circumcision in various ways. It is easy for a nursery attendant to make a mistake and bring an intact boy for an unwanted circumcision. A circumcision that has been performed without valid informed consent is a wrongful circumcision.
Mansfield et al. (1995) report, when a newborn is to be circumcised, both mother and newborn remain in hospital an average of six hours longer, which substantially increases revenue to the hospital,[2] so hospitals encourage and promote circumcision regardless of the pain, trauma, loss of tissue and function, and permanent irreversible harm to the newborn.
Precautionary steps for parents
There are a number of steps that parents may take to lessen the chance of a wrongful, unwanted, harmful circumcision.
- Review information on circumcision, so as not to be deceived by false or deceptive information that may be presented in hospital.
- If the maternity facility allows a birth plan, then specify intactness in the birth plan.[3]
- Discuss your desire for an intact son with your attending physician.
- Prepare yourself by viewing The Circumcision Movie.[4]
- There will be a lot of papers to sign upon admission. There usually would be a circumcision consent form provided whether the baby is a boy or girl. Be careful to NOT sign a consent for circumcision form. Granting of consent by a surrogate for non-therapeutic circumcision (all newborn circumcision is non-therapeutic) is an unethical practice.[5]
- The latest stratagem to obtain consent is to send nurses into the room to ask the mother if she wants her newborn circumcised. This is done repeatedly, in hope of breaking a mother's will.[6] Reports indicate that parents have been asked as many as twelve times. Promotion of unnecessary surgery is highly unethical. Awareness of this unethical practice will help parents to avoid caving in to the hospital's tactics. When this happens parents may file a complaint through the free service of Intact America.
- Rooming in — Keeping the newborn in the mother's room — offers significant advantages in facilitating initiation of breastfeeding, protection from infectious diseases that may be present in the newborn nursery, and last but certainly not least, protection from wrongful circumcision.[7]
Solicitation for circumcision surgery
Intact America commissioned a survey by Qualtrics of the number of times that parents are solicited for a consent for non-therapeutic infant circumcision. The average was 8 times, which resulted in a 143 percent increase in the number of non-therapeutic, medically-unnecessary circumcisions carried out.[8] Giving in to the constant solicitation means that two charges will be incurred:
- A hospital service charge or facility fee.
- A physician's fee.
Parents are reminded that neonatal circumcision has no medical indication, does not treat disease, causes trauma, is non-therapeutic, unnecessary, and causes life-long irreversible harm because of the loss of the multi-functional foreskin.[9]
Siehe auch
This older article is some what out-of-date but still has some useful information:
- Hill, George (16. März 2002).
Protection of Infant Boys from Wrongful Circumcision in American Hospitals
, Circumcision Information and Resource Pages. Abgerufen 22. Mai 2023. - Milos M (11. Juli 2022).
Ask Marilyn – Why do they keep asking me about circumcising my baby boy?
, Intact America. Abgerufen 21. Juni 2024. -
At the hospital
, Your Whole Baby. Abgerufen 26. September 2024. - Alissa, Kristel (23. Dezember 2024).
Where Circumcision Advocates Strike: Protecting Intact Boys From Harm
, Intact America. Abgerufen 24. Februar 2025.
- ↑ Morgan WKC. The rape of the phallus. JAMA. 19. Juli 1965; 193(3): 123-4. PMID. DOI. Abgerufen am 21. Mai 2024.
Zitat:This ritual, however, has become so widespread in the United States that it is no longer much of a status symbol, and a situation has arisen where any recently delivered mother who is eccentric enough to wish her child to retain his prepuce, would be well advised to maintain permanent guard over it until such time as they both leave the hospital.
- ↑ Mansfield CJ, Heuston WF, Rudy M. Neonatal circumcision: associated factors and length of hospital stay. J Fam Pract. Oktober 1995; 41(4): 370-6. PMID. Abgerufen am 22. Mai 2023.
- ↑ Garrett CJ (15. November 2023).
Birth Plan Checklist: Don’t Forget to Specify No Circumcision
, Intact America. Abgerufen 9. Juli 2024. - ↑ Milos MF (11. Juli 2022).
Ask Marilyn – Why do they keep asking me about circumcising my baby boy?
, Intact America. Abgerufen 24. Oktober 2024. - ↑ Myers A, Earp BD. What is the best age to circumcise? A medical and ethical analysis. J Biosoc Sci. September 2020; 34(7): 560-72. PMID. DOI. Abgerufen am 22. Mai 2023.
- ↑ Chapin, Georganne (16. November 2020).
Press Release: Having a Baby Boy? Get Ready for the Circumcision Sellers!
, Intact America. Abgerufen 22. Mai 2023. - ↑ LLewellyn, David J.. Legal Remedies for Penile Torts. The Compleat Mother. 1995; 40 (winter): 16. Abgerufen am 22. Mai 2023.
- ↑ Chapin, Georganne (18. November 2019).
Having a Baby Boy? Intact America Warns, ‘Get Ready for the Circumcision Sellers!'
, prweb, Intact America. Abgerufen 15. Dezember 2020.
Zitat:Each year, an estimated 1.5 million baby boys are circumcised in American medical settings. Intact America estimates that if circumcision solicitations were to cease, 600,000 boys—and the men they will become—would be spared every year from the trauma and lifelong consequences of the procedure.
- ↑ Green, Lawrence, McAllister, Ryan, Peterson, Kent, Travis, John. Medicaid coverage of circumcision spreads harm to the poor.. Am J Public Health. April 2009; 99(4): 584. PMID. PMC. DOI. Abgerufen am 14. April 2021.