Jen Williams

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Jen Williams

Jen Williams founded Your Whole Baby in December of 2014. Previously, Jen taught middle school and high school English for seven years in Texas public schools. Before teaching, Jen spent several years working for an animal rights organization in their campaigns department.[1]


All forms of activism are similar in how they function and evolve. They all utilize basic techniques that are most effective in creating change. I am able to take what I learned and put it to use protecting human babies. There are many forms of activism, some subtle and private, like leaving information cards in various locations; some loud and in-your-face, like demonstrations; and some middle-of-the-road activism, like outreach tabling. All forms of activism have their place in the movement, all are important, and all are effective in different ways. We need everyone's voices, quiet and loud, to bring this practice to an end as soon as possible.
Jen Williams (Your Whole Baby)[1]

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  1. a b   Your Whole Baby - Board of Directors. Abgerufen 29. Oktober 2019.