Beschnittene Ärzte
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Beschnittene Ärzte sind männliche Ärzte, die als Kinder beschnitten wurden, so dass ihnen jede persönliche Kenntnis und Erfahrung eines normalen männlichen Körperteils - der Vorhaut oder eines normalen, vollständigen, funktionellen Penis - fehlt.
Wissenschaftliche Referenzen
- Goldman (1999)[1] & Boyle et al. (2002)[2] report that circumcision is traumatic, so one may expect that circumcised doctors experienced trauma and that their behavior is impacted.
- LeBourdais (1995) reports the circumcision status of the physician is a factor, among others, in determining if a baby is to be circumcised.[3]
- Goldman (1999) reports circumcised doctors will write papers to support non-therapeutic circumcision:
” | One reason that flawed studies are published is that science is affected by cultural values. A principal method of preserving cultural values is to disguise them as truths that are based on scientific research. This 'research' can then be used to support questionable and harmful cultural values such as circumcision. This explains the claimed medical 'benefits' of circumcision. – Ronald Goldman[1] |
Circumcised doctors tend to be concentrated in such nations as Turkey and other Islamic nations, Israel, the United States of America and to a lesser extent, other English-speaking nations.
American medical trade associations, such as
- the American Academy of Family Physicians
- the American Academy of Pediatrics
- the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- the American Urological Association
are heavily populated with circumcised doctors, so their pronouncements on male circumcision, as compared with those of other nations, tend to be biased in favor of male circumcision.[4]
There are hundreds of thousands of circumcised doctors. Some notable examples of circumcised doctors are:
- Robert C. Bailey
- Aaron J. Fink
- Andrew Freedman
- Murray Katz
- Stephen Moses
- Neil Pollock
- Terry Russell
- Edgar J. Schoen
- Thomas E. Wiswell
- Abraham L. Wolbarst
Siehe auch
- Friedman, Jonathan (16. Oktober 2011).
Doctors' Circumcision Recommendations Influenced By Personal Factors, Study Finds
, IntactNews. Abgerufen 19. März 2020.
- ↑ a b Goldman, Ronald. The psychological impact of circumcision. BJU Int. 1. Januar 1999; (83 Suppl 1): 93-103. DOI. Abgerufen am 15. März 2020.
- ↑ Boyle, Gregory J., Goldman, Ronald, Svoboda, J. Steven, Fernandez, Ephrem. Male circumcision: pain, trauma and psychosexual sequelae. J Health Psychol. 2002; 7(3): 329-343. PMID. DOI. Abgerufen am 16. März 2020.
- ↑ LeBourdais, Eleanor. Circumcision no longer a "routine" surgical procedure. Can Med Assoc J. 1. Juni 1995; 152(11): 1873-1876. PMC. Abgerufen am 15. März 2020.
- ↑ Goldman, Ronald. Circumcision policy: a psychosocial perspective. Paediatrics & Child Health (Ottawa). November 2005; 9(9): 630-633. PMID. PMC. DOI. Abgerufen am 16. März 2020.