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R. Wayne Griffiths

40 Bytes entfernt, 21:17, 21. Jun. 2022
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{{VonIntactWikiFotoFehlt}}|Titel=R. Wayne Griffiths|URL=http://intactwiki.org/w/index.php?title=R._Wayne_Griffiths&oldid=2409{{NYT en}} '''R. Wayne Griffiths''' ({{LifeData|1933 |2017-03- March 17, 2017}}) founded with [[Tim Hammond]] the National Organization of Restoring Men, [[NORM]].
R. Wayne Griffiths also invented the [[foreballs]] foreskin restoration device, which he sold until 2012.
R. Wayne Griffiths died on March 17, 2017.
==Externe Links=={{LINKS}}
* http://www.norm.org/history.html
* http://www.norm.org/restorebb.html
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