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1.207 Bytes hinzugefügt, 15:21, 17. Mär. 2014
Websites zum Thema Vorhautrestaurierung
== Websites zum Thema Vorhautrestaurierung ==
* [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/austin_norm/ Austin NORM - Yahoo group for NORM of Austin, TX]
* [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CircumcisedMenRestoringForeskins/ CircumcisedMenRestoringForeskins - Yahoo group created for support and advice for those restoring their foreskins]
* [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Dallas-NORM/ Dallas NORM - Yahoo group for NORM of Dallas, TX]
* [http://frcchat.org/ Foreskin Restauration Chat]
* [http://www.foreskin-restoration.net/forum/ Foreskin Restoration / Intactivism Network]
* [http://www.eskimo.com/~gburlin/restore/rest.html Foreskin Restauration mailing list]
* [http://community.livejournal.com/keep_on_tugging/ Keep On Tugging! - LiveJournal community dedicated to foreskin restoration]
* [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/midsouthNORM/ MidSouthNORM - Yahoo group for NORM of Memphis, TN and surrounding areas]
* [http://norm-denver.org/ NORM-Denver - NORM of Denver, CO]
* [http://http//www.norm-phoenix.org/ NORM-Phoenix - NORM of Phoenix, AZ]
* [http://www.norm-sa.co.za/ NORM South Africa - Network of foreskin restoration support groups in South Africa]
* [http://www.norm-socal.org/ NORM Southern California - NORM chapter based in Los Angeles, CA]
* [http://www.norm.org/ NORM - The National Organization of Restoring Men]
* [http://www.norm-uk.org/ NORM-UK - giving men a choice]
* [http://www.restoreforeskin2.org/ Restore Foreskin 2]
* [https://www.facebook.com/RestoringForeskin Restoring Foreskin - A Place For Man to Regain What They Lost]
* [http://www.restoringforeskin.org/ Restoring for Men - Your Foreskin Restoration Community]
* [http://www.restoringtally.com/ Restoring Tally - One man's journey through life]
