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{{REFbook |last |first= |init= |year= |title= |url= |pages= |isbn= |accessdate= }}
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{{REFbook |last= |first= |init= |author-link= |last2= |first2= |init2= |author2-link= |year= |title= |url= |work= |editor= |edition= |volume= |chapter= |pages= |location= |publisher= |isbn= |quote= |accessdate= |note= }}
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{{REFbook |title=Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family }}
Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family.
{{REFbook |last=Fleiss |first=Paul M. |title=Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family }}
Fleiss, Paul M.: Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family.
{{REFbook |last=Fleiss |first=Paul M. |author-link=Paul M. Fleiss |title=Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family }}
Fleiss, Paul M.: Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family.
{{REFbook |last=Fleiss |first=Paul M. |author-link=Paul M. Fleiss |year=2010 |title=Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family }}
Fleiss, Paul M. (2010): Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family.
{{REFbook |last=Fleiss |first=Paul M. |author-link=Paul M. Fleiss |last2=Hodges |first2=Frederick M. |author2-link=Frederick M. Hodges |year=2010 |title=Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family |url=http://books.google.com/books?id=iVOXAp27iQkC&pg=PT64 |work= |editor=Johnson, Joe |edition=11 |volume=2 |chapter=Second Marriage |pages=64 |location=New York |publisher=Book Publishers |isbn=9781111833220 |quote= |accessdate=2019-09-27 |note=}}
Fleiss PM, Hodges FM (2010):
Second Marriage
, in: Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family. Johnson, Joe (Hrsg.). Ausgabe: 11. Bd. 2. S. 64. New York: Book Publishers. ISBN 9781111833220. Abgerufen 27. September 2019.
Sämtliche Parameter
{{REFbook |last= |first= |init= |author-link= |last2= |first2= |init2= |author2-link= |last3= |first3= |init3= |author3-link= |last4= |first4= |init4= |author4-link= |last5= |first5= |init5= |author5-link= |last6= |first6= |init6= |author6-link= |last7= |first7= |init7= |author7-link= |last8= |first8= |init8= |author8-link= |last9= |first9= |init9= |author9-link= |year= |year-initial= |title= |url= |work= |editor= |editors= |edition= |volume= |chapter= |pages= |location= |publisher= |isbn= |quote= |accessdate= |note= }}
{{REFbook |last=Denniston |first=George C. |init=GC |author-link=George C. Denniston |last2=Hodges |first2=Frederick M. |init2=FM |author2-link=Frederick M. Hodges |last3=Milos |first3=Marilyn Fayre |init3=MF |author3-link=Marilyn Fayre Milos |last4=Young |first4=Hugh |init4=H |author4-link=Hugh Young |last5=Glick |first5=Leonard B. |init5=LB |author5-link=Leonard B. Glick |last6=Svoboda |first6=J. Steven |init6=JS |author6-link=J. Steven Svoboda |last7=Bigelow |first7=Jim |init7=J |author7-link=Jim Bigelow |last8=Griffiths |first8=R. Wayne |init8=RW |author8-link=R. Wayne Griffiths |last9=Geisheker |first9=John V. |init9=JV |author9-link=John V. Geisheker |year=2021 |year-initial=1990 |title=The Millennium Bug |url=http:somedomain.org |work=Reader's Digest |editor=[[Dan Bollinger]] |edition=1 |volume=42 |chapter=Why Microsoft calculates 101% |pages=42-88 |location=New York |publisher=Book Publishers |isbn=1234567890123 |quote=Toby or not Toby. |accessdate=2019-09-28 |note=Dies ist selbstverständlich keine echte Buch-Referenz. }}
Denniston GC, Hodges FM, Milos MF, Young H, Glick LB, Svoboda JS, Bigelow J, Griffiths RW, Geisheker JV (2021 [1990]):
Why Microsoft calculates 101%
, in: [http:somedomain.org The Millennium Bug]. Arbeit: Reader's Digest. Dan Bollinger (Hrsg.). Ausgabe: 1. Bd. 42. S. 42-88. New York: Book Publishers. Zitat: Toby or not Toby.
. ISBN 1234567890123. Abgerufen 28. September 2019.
Hinweis: Dies ist selbstverständlich keine echte Buch-Referenz.
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