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872 Bytes hinzugefügt, 11:54, 8. Okt. 2018
Intaktivisten -Gruppen sind [[:Kategorie:Intaktivist/in|Menschen]], die sich dafür einsetzen, dass jeder Mensch ein explizites Recht auf genitale Selbstbestimmung hat. Intaktivisten schützen männliche, weibliche und intersexuelle Genitalien vor Unwissenheit der Eltern, religiösem Fanatismus, medizinischer Gier und kulturellen Mythen. Viele Intaktivisten oder Organisationen unterstützen Betroffene nicht nur mit Informationen über die [[Zirkumzision|Beschneidung]] an sich, sondern auch über Möglichkeiten zur [[Restaurierung]] der [[Vorhaut]].
== Organisationen ==
=== Israel ===
* [http://www.britmila.org.il/ [Ben Shalem]]
* [[Protect the Child]]
* [[Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (CAN-FAP)]]
* [[Children's Health & Human Rights Partnership]]
=== Schweiz ===
* [[Pro Kinderrechte Schweiz]]
=== USA ===
* [http://www.sexasnatureintendedit.com/ Sex As Nature Intended It]
* [http://www.thewholenetwork.org The Whole Network - Accurate Circumcision Information]
== Foren ==
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/246100965411532/ >Global Intactivist Symposium for an Intact Humanity<]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/109926392378329/ HIS body - HIS choice (Pro-Intact)]
* [[Intact Genitals Are a Human Right]]
* [[Intact Nation]]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/Inactivistcensus/ Intactivist Census On Facebook.]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/2211655066/ Say 'No' to Circumcision!]
* [[Intact Alabama]]
* [[Intact Alaska]]
* [[Intact Alberta]]
* [[Intact Arizona]]
* [[Intact Arkansas]]
* [[Intact Asheville]]
* [[Intact Augusta]]
* [[Intact Austin]]
* [[Intact Australia]]
* [[Intact Bend]]
* [[Intact British Columbia]]
* [[Intact California]]
* [[Intact Canada]]
* [[Intact Cedar Valley]]
* [[Intact Charlotte]]
* [[Intact Charlottesville]]
* [[Intact Chattanooga]]
* [[Intact Chicago]]
* [[Intact Cleveland]]
* [[Intact Colorado]]
* [[Intact Connecticut]]
* [[Intact Corpus Christi]]
* [[Intact Culpeper]]
* [[Intact D.C.]]
* [[Intact Delaware]]
* [[Intact Des Moines]]
* [[Intact Detroit]]
* [[Intact Fayetteville]]
* [[Intact Flint]]
* [[Intact Florida]]
* [[Intact Fort Dodge]]
* [[Intact Georgia]]
* [[Intact Germany]]
* [[Intact Ghana]]
* [[Intact Grand Island]]
* [[Intact Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point]]
* [[Intact Hawaii]]
* [[Intact Houston]]
* [[Intact Idaho]]
* [[Intact Illinois]]
* [[Intact Indiana]]
* [[Intact Iowa City]]
* [[Intact Iowa]]
* [[Intact Iowa City]]
* [[Intact Israel]]
* [[Intact Jewish Network]]
* [[Intact Kalamazoo]]
* [[Intact Kansas City]]
* [[Intact Kansas]]
* [[Intact Knoxville]]
* [[Intact Latino Network]]
* [[Intact Lincoln]]
* [[Intact Louisiana]]
* [[Intact Maine]]
* [[Intact Maryland]]
* [[Intact Massachusetts]]
* [[Intact Maui]]
* [[Intact Memphis]]
* [[Intact Michigan]]
* [[Intact Michigan - Great Lakes Bay]]
* [[Intact Michigan - The Thumb]]
* [[Intact Michigan - Tip of the Mitt]]
* [[Intact Michigan]]
* [[Intact Minnesota]]
* [[Intact Mississippi]]
* [[Intact Nebraska]]
* [[Intact Nevada]]
* [[Intact New Brunswick]]
* [[Intact New Hampshire]]
* [[Intact New Jersey]]
* [[Intact Nova Scotia]]
* [[Intact NoVa]]
* [[Intact Oahu]]
* [[Intact Ohio]]
* [[Intact Oklahoma]]
* [[Intact Omaha]]
* [[Intact Ontario]]
* [[Intact Orange County]]
* [[Intact Oregon]]
* [[Intact Penis - Pene Intacto]]
* [[Intact Portland]]
* [[Intact Prince Edward Island]]
* [[Intact Puerto Rico]]
* [[Intact Quebec]]
* [[Intact Rhode Island]]
* [[Intact San Diego]]
* [[Intact Saskatchewan]]
* [[Intact Seattle]]
* [[Intact Sonoma]]
* [[Intact South Africa]]
* [[Intact South Carolina]]
* [[Intact South Dakota]]
* [[Intact South Florida]]
* [[Intact South Korea]]
* [[Intact Student Network]]
* [[Intact Switzerland]]
* [[Intact Teen Network]]
* [[Intact Texas]]
* [[Intact Tidewater]]
* [[Intact Tri-Cities]]
* [[Intact Tucson Arizona]]
* [[Intact UK]]
* [[Intact Washington]]
* [[Intact West Virginia]]
* [[Intact Wichita Falls]]
* [[Intact Wichita]]
* [[Intact Wisconsin]]
==== Französisch/Englisch ====
* [[Brit Shalom l’Alliance sans Souffrance]]
* [[Circumcision Resources Circoncision Montreal]]
* [[Ressources Circoncision Genève Geneva Circumcision Resources]]
