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Preputioplasty, also Prepucioplasty, is any plastic surgical procedure on the prepuce or foreskin.[1] There is increasing recognition that circumcision is not a satisfactory treatment for phimosis.

There are several different procedures. Preputioplasty typically is used to treat phimosis when manual stretching fails. Osmonov et al. (2022) have recently provided an excellent review of available procedures.[2]

Several articles advocate preputioplasty for phimosis in children. The authors seemingly are unaware that developmentally non-retractable foreskin is normal in children, is not pathological, and does not require treatment.



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  1.   Preputioplasty, The Free Dictionary by Farlex. Abgerufen 24. Juni 2022.
  2.   Osmonov D, Hamann C, Eraky A. Preputioplasty as a surgical alternative in treatment of phimosis. Int J Impot Res. Mai 2022; 34(4): 353-8. PMID. PMC. DOI. Abgerufen am 7. Februar 2023.