Jüdische Medizinethik

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(Der nachfolgende Text oder ein Teil davon stammt aus der freien Wikipedia:)

Jewish medical ethics is a modern scholarly and clinical approach to medical ethics that draws upon Jewish thought and teachings. Pioneered by Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits in the 1950s, Jewish medical ethics centers mainly around an applied ethics drawing upon traditional rabbinic law (halakhah). In addition, scholars have begun examining theoretical and methodological questions, while the field itself has been broadened to encompass bioethics and non-halakhic approaches.

Key issues

In its early years, Jewish medical ethics addressed a range of ethical dilemmas,[1] as well as general questions about the professional ethics for doctors.[2] Major issues have included abortion, artificial insemination, brain death, cosmetic surgery, euthanasia, genetic screening, hazardous medical operations, circumcision, oral suction in circumcision (metzitzah b'peh), organ donation, psychiatric care, and smoking cigarettes. In recent years, Jewish bioethics has examined questions of medical technology, the allocation of medical resources, and the philosophy of Jewish ethics.[3]

Siehe auch


  1.   (22. Oktober 2013). New course to explore Jewish perspective on modern ethical dilemmas. Abgerufen 24. Februar 2020.
  2.   Snyder, Laurie (23. Oktober 2013). Lamorindans Learn about Tough Cancer Problem  , Lamorinda Weekly. Abgerufen 24. Februar 2020.
  3.   (11. November 2013). Health Sense: What Jewish law says about breast and ovarian cancer risk. Abgerufen 24. Februar 2020.