George Hill

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George Hill

George Hill is the Vice-President for Medical Science and Bioethics of Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.), and its prolific scribe. George joined DOC in 1997 and swiftly became a highly productive advocate. He has to his credit more than 50 published articles and letter-briefs questioning circumcision. He has kept up a lively correspondence with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, and state Medicaid agencies nationwide. He was the author of the original Doctors Opposing Circumcision Genital Integrity Policy Statement,[1] the framework for this new website.[2]



  1.   Hill, George: Genital Integrity Policy Statement  , Doctors Opposing Circumcision. (2008). Abgerufen 19. September 2019.
  2.   (2019). Board of Directors and Advisors, Doctors Opposing Circumcision. Abgerufen 18. September 2019.