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Bono of the band U2 promotes circumcision as HIV prevention.[1]

Antiretroviral treatment + male circumcision = 60% reduction
Yet today, here we are, talking seriously about the ‘end’ of this global epidemic. There are now 6.6 million people on life-saving AIDS medicine. But still too many are being infected. New research proves that early antiretroviral treatment, especially for pregnant women, in combination with male circumcision, will slash the rate of new H.I.V. cases by up to 60 percent. This is the tipping point we have been campaigning for. We’re nearly there.
Bono (‘A decade of progress on AIDS’)[2]

Hinweis: Bono holds no medical credentials of any kind. He is neither a doctor, surgeon, urologist, nor epidemiologist.


  1.   Carter, Jenna (1. Dezember 2011)."Bono: ‘A decade of progress on AIDS’", Abgerufen 30. Dezember 2012. "New research proves that early antiretroviral treatment, especially for pregnant women, in combination with male circumcision, will slash the rate of new H.I.V. cases by up to 60 percent."
  2. ‘A decade of progress on AIDS’