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Intaktheit is a noun that means

  1. the condition of being intact,
  2. the state of being unimpaired, and
  3. completeness.[1]

Among English-speaking nations, Intaktheit is the norm in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom;[2] and is transitioning to the norm in the United States.[3]

Intaktheit is the norm in all European nations, all Latin American nations, China, India, and Mongolia.[2]

Unfortunately, intactness has been shamed in the United States and American males have been discouraged from keeping their erogenous, protective, and healthy foreskin,[4] but increasing levels of intactness are now being reported among newborn infant boys.[3]

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  1. REFweb Anonymous. Intactness, Wordnik. Abgerufen 12. April 2024.
  2. a b REFweb (1. April 2024). Global Circumcision Statistics and Estimates, Abgerufen 5. Mai 2024.
  3. a b REFjournal Jacobson, Deborah L., Balmert, Lauren C., Holl, Jane L., Rosoklija, Ilina, Davis, Matthew M., Johnson. Nationwide Circumcision Trends: 2003 to 2016. J Urol. Januar 2021; 205(1): 257-63. PMID. DOI. Abgerufen am 5. Mai 2024.
  4. REFweb Garrett, Connor (21. Dezember 2023). Foreskin Phobia: How The Intact Penis Has Been Shamed, Intact America. Abgerufen 15. Mai 2024.