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(Der nachfolgende Text oder ein Teil davon stammt aus der freien Wikipedia:)
Hypospadias is a common variation in fetal development of the penis in which the urethra does not open from its usual location in the head of the penis. It is the second-most common birth abnormality of the male reproductive system, affecting about one of every 250 males at birth.[1] Roughly 90% of cases are the less serious distal hypospadias, in which the urethral opening (the meatus) is on or near the head of the penis glans. The remainder have proximal hypospadias, in which the meatus is all the way back on the shaft of the penis, near or within the scrotum. Shiny tissue that should have made the urethra extends from the meatus to the tip of the glans; this tissue is called the urethral plate.
The prevalance of hypospadias is highest in North America and lowest in Asia.[2]
The foreskin frequently does not develop normally. The ventral portion of the foreskin may not develop so the foreskin takes the form of a dorsal flap.[2]
Surgical repair
Each case must be evaluated to determine how best to proceed. Mild cases may not require repair.[3]
If surgical repair is to be undertaken, then van der Horst & de Wall (2017) recommend that surgical repair be carried out after four months of age and prior to eighteen months of age.[2]
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- [Vorlagenabruf fehlgeschlagen für https://pool.intactiwiki.org/index.php/Template:POOLIconREFweb?action=raw: HTTP 0] Black, Larissa.
So Your Son has Hypospadias
, Your Whole Baby. Abgerufen 22. Oktober 2019. - [Vorlagenabruf fehlgeschlagen für https://pool.intactiwiki.org/index.php/Template:POOLIconREFweb?action=raw: HTTP 0]
, Boston Children's Hospital. Abgerufen 21. Oktober 2019. - [Vorlagenabruf fehlgeschlagen für https://pool.intactiwiki.org/index.php/Template:POOLIconREFweb?action=raw: HTTP 0]
What is Hypospadias
, https://www.urologyhealth.org/, Urology Care Foundation. Abgerufen 23. Oktober 2019.
- ↑
Snodgrass, Warren (2012):
130: Hypospadias
, in: Campbell-Walsh Urology. Allan Wein, Meredith F Campbell, Patrick C Walsh (Hrsg.). Ausgabe: 10. S. 3503–3536. Elsevier. ISBN 978-1-4160-6911-9. - ↑ a b c
van der Horst, HJ, de Wall, LL. Hypospadias, all there is to know. Eur J Pediatr. April 2017; 176(4): 435-441. PMID. PMC. DOI. Abgerufen am 23. Oktober 2019.
- ↑
Winship, Brenton B, Ruston, H. Gil, Pohl, Hans G., et al. In pursuit of the perfect penis: Hypospadias repair outcomes. J Pediatr Urol. Juni 2017; 13(3): 285-288. PMID. DOI. Abgerufen am 23. Oktober 2019.