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Petrina Fadel

746 Bytes hinzugefügt, 17:43, 21. Jun. 2022
sync'ed with English article
{{BaustelleNYT en}}Mrs. '''Petrina Fadel''', who lives in upstate New York, is a Roman Catholic Christian, who founded [[Catholics Against Circumcision]].
Petrina's story of becoming an intactivist is chronicled in ARCLAW's newsletter.<ref>{{REFjournal |url=https://www.arclaw.org/wp-content/uploads/Newsletter-10-3.pdf |title=Driven by a Purpose |last=Fadel |first=Petrina |author-link=Petrina Fadel |publisher=[[Attorneys for the Rights of the Child]] |journal=ARC Newsletter |date=2014 |season=Spring/Summer |volume=10 |issue=3 |# Whole Number 30 |accessdate=2022-03-21}}</ref> '''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' was chosen "Intactivist of the Month" by [[Intact America]]. {{REF}} {{DEFAULTSORT:Fadel, Petrina}}
[[Kategorie:Intaktivist des Monats]]
[[en:Petrina Fadel]]
