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REFbook uses <init> key
|first=Shaye J. D.
|chapter=A Brief History of Jewish Circumcision Blood
|title=The Covenant of Circumcision
This stage of Jewish circumcision was implemented in the 2nd century by hardline rabbis who wanted to make it difficult for Jewish men to [[Foreskin restoration|restore]].<ref>{{REFbook
|first=LeonardB. |init=LB
|author-link=Leonard B. Glick
It was customary for Greek athletes at the time to compete naked, and Jewish men were [[Foreskin restoration|stretching]] out their foreskins to match their Greek counterparts, from at least as early as the 2nd century {{#tip-text:BCE|Before Common Era, an alternative to BC}}.<ref>{{REFbook
|first=LeonardB. |init=LB
|author-link=Leonard B. Glick