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|Titel=Van Lewis |URL=http://intactwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Van_Lewis&oldid=2250}}
'''Van Lewis''' was an American intactivist (May 17, 1943 - June 6, 2011), born in Tallahassee, Florida.
I have since learned from a reformed circumciser, who did scores of circumcisions, that he didn’t hear the babies he circumcised screaming. He was so intent on doing his work “correctly” that he literally, as hard as it is to believe, did not hear the screaming. Then, one day—why, he didn’t know—he heard it. He heard the baby and knew what the screaming meant. He was injuring the baby, deeply. He’s never done another one.”
* http://web.archive.org/web/20080521184624/www.genitalintegrity.net/blouch/2007/04/28/a-circumcisers-question/
[[Kategorie:Von IntactWiki]]
[[en:Van Lewis]]